Another Ret Nerf

Seems to always be the case with Ret, ppl only react to dmg buffs/nerfs. Nvm the weird design choises they keep on doing like.

  • Semi ranged spec (to avoid giving gapclosers) yet main HoPo generation is made in melee
  • Semi ranged spec yet CC is melee ranged or casted
  • Semi ranged spec with the above issues yet we have the weakest slows in game with 0 roots
  • Barren general talent tree with mobility issues yet they plan to increase steed talents by 100% when we already had far to many of them and all of them giving miniscule bennefits and some even larger negative effects
  • We have 1 school of magic yet they seperate them into 3 forms (Holy, radiant and holy strike) and none of them is better then normal holy dmg. They only made this to be able to make more talents into the barren Ret tree

Then there is also the very little veriaty of sorts of talents we can get for example as a templar i can get

  • Divine Arbiter
  • Lights Deliverance
  • Searing light (this one is different yet the same)
  • Aura of Reckoning (pvp talent)

Do you begin to see a pattern here? 3 of the above stacks a counter, when they max out 2 of them auto procs, 1 procs in RNG and the 4th makes you able to to use an ability.

They have 0 ideas to add to the class so they invent “new” holy dmg to fill the gaps, “new” counters to stack, “new” RNG procs. The added range we got in DFs “rework” can only fill out what we lack that far.

:smiley: people overeact as always
yes it’s bad getting nerf but dawnlight it annoying to look at
it is completely passive and not interesting at all…
My top dmg is a passive dot
I rather play templar it looks and the impact feels better even in AOE
so i would be glad if blizzard would be so nice to buff templar to be on par with herald

Aaand…when you look at the PTR we are getting a 6% overall buff now :sweat_smile:

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Where has this come from, can you show a blue post?

I was thinking about this and I think all they need to do is give Empyrean hammers a slight damage buff and it would make them near enough equal. Especially in AoE

so there is the templar buff coming up
but not with multi usage :frowning:
I am still really horrified by this
this still means basically no rotational changes and as we know the likelihood is high that hammer of light as a new skill will be taken over into next expansions
this means for me the problem with no rotation changes persists for more then just the 2 years of WWI :thinking:

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