ANS recruiting

All Nuke Skull.

We’ve been around for over 10 years, and are a semi-casual raiding guild with lots of social members too.

We play to enjoy the game, have fun and some laughs, and kill bosses :stuck_out_tongue:

We’re currently 9/9HC 2/9M Dazar’alor, 2/2HC CoS

We have had a few raiders take a time out from the game, and as such are looking for experienced DPS (no DH) to continue with our mythic prog raids once we have a solid team of 20 (with some spares by choice).

We’re newbie friendly, and have a lot of social members, many of whom come to our friday fun raids which also have spots available :slight_smile:

We’re pretty active ingame and on discord, and we do fun runs and raidathons as well as mythic pluses and progression raid.

Our main raid nights are Wednesday and Sunday 9-12pm server time, and our fun/alt/social raids are Fridays same times.

Interested? Drop one of us an ingame message :slight_smile:

We’ve had a lot of members realm change to join us.
Cheers! \o/

GM – Thorsmissus
Officers – Messiah, Elementa.
Helpers - Galene, Lycael

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