[Antagonist-Scourge-RP] The Odious Secession

“Kings, Highlords…High Kings, Warchiefs…why do we, the Scourge’s finest creation, find ourselves ever beholden to another? Sent to die, forced to serve, slaved to Northrend. I say why defend the borders from the Scourge when we can dominate them instead? Knights of Acherus no more, the time of the Scourgelords has come again…”

Scourgelord Elizabeth “Cryptbreaker” Silverfields

The Odious Secession

Do you miss Northrend? Perhaps you want to get back the feeling of the Death Knight starter zone? Maybe you want to have a go at the darker side of being Undead? Are you bored of being made to be a goodie two shoes by the mortals?

We might be the place for you! (Disclaimer: With both [A] and [H] characters welcome - as long as you’re Scourge!)

With a small but homely base of power in Northrend, the Secession strikes out regularly to assault other Warbands on the damned glacier. Mostly we do this to politely inform them that their territory is now ours! You know. With weapons. Politely.

As the Secession grows in troops and facilities, more dangerous targets enter our crosshairs, and yet still we find ourselves unable to pose a threat to the Living…we still have a long way to go until our aspirations can be realised, but realised they will be, with extreme prejudice.

So are you a Scourgelord? A traitor? Darkfallen? What about a Dark Apothecary, or Cult of the Damned? Necromancer, maybe even a Ghoul or Geist or the like? Are you interested in starting from the early days, seeking to grow in power and threat?

Then consider getting in touch! Questions or interest can be directed to me by dropping a mail to Cryptabeth (Alliance) or Enforcement (Horde), popping a post here, or if you’re feeling chatty you’re more than welcome to join the Discord here: https://discord.gg/n6EjCpvvqK

Thanks for giving us a read, and keep an eye on the horizon. Why? Well we might have an outpost on Eastern Kingdoms soon…


Well you’ve officially made me consider whipping out my old San’layn again…

Best of luck with the concept (if I don’t reach out)!


Thank you for the luck! I feel evil guilds need it more than some, so it’s definitely appreciated.

And if we can make people consider their old or unused Scourge concepts, then that’s definitely a small victory. Blizzard might have forgotten the Scourge threat, but we haven’t.


What an extremely cool concept.

I hope you succeed!

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A very interesting project. As an undead who still lives in Northrend and remains loyal to the Scourge (even if we don’t have a leader to unify us) I would like to participate. I hope it won’t matter that my character for OOC reasons is in the Horde.


Thank you, I hope we succeed too!

And, it shouldn’t matter that anyone is Horde, no. I’ll re-read op and see if I can make things a bit clearer. I’ll navigate inviting Horde players very soon if I can’t do it simply via Cryptabeth, not sure on the mechanics there.

To be clear though: Alliance and Horde races more than welcome!

Northrend you say? Maybe we are due for another trip north…

I all seriousness though, I love a good villain guild and best of luck to you.


The Scourge, despite being a “defeated” faction in the greater narrative sense, still has tons of potential in RP, considering the whole warlord bit we’ve been presented with, and the fact that a certain necromancer is just vibing in Scholomance. This looks very cool and embodies one of Warcraft’s most interesting entities!

As a former Scourge RPer to the newly arrived: good luck with this project and may the Forsaken (especially the one above) and the Living of Lordaeron tremble in your shadow.

An Karanir Andalmar…

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Please don’t come (re-)kill us, we’ve only just started!

At least give us a chance to gain power so we can win instead? I mean, uh, so it’s fair fight? No wait, so we make the Forsaken tremble in our shadow! I’m stealing that, thanks for the line!

Still learning a lot about Discord and such, but I think I have a wrangle on it…pretty sure I was an orange cat in a former life. Also setting a Horde alt to make inviting both sides easier, so won’t be any problems there anymore!


I, for one, welcome our new undead overlords.

This looks fun! Good luck on the world domination.


Scourgelexa, play Invincible.


All hail the Scourge.


A trade of names to cement our…let us call it an understanding of shared intentions?

Scourgelord Elizabeth “Cryptbreaker” Silverfields

The prologue to our dark and profane road to power has begun!
Earlier tonight, a small number of likeminded Scourgelords, horrors, necromancers, and experts of their unholy crafts, gathered in Icecrown to discuss shared ambitions of terror…

…and it went well! A secret location on that Lightforsaken glacier is now the starting point for a ragtag group of Scourge. With barely two bars of saronite to rub together, they’re not going to be taking control of necropolises anytime soon, but when they do?

You will fear the unliving as the threat that King Arthas made them to be!

If you’re interested in getting on board with this brand new, and officially started, guild from the ground up, and want to revel in the fear of the living? Then get in touch to chat!


This concept looks really cool, I hope it thrives! Good luck with it.


We have a wheelbarrow! And a giant cauldron.


Hello fellas!
is this guild still active? :slight_smile:


It is!

We’re currently working on securing further… Things… But ah! It’s not as easy as it seems. Who knew the Vrykul areas were so… Tainted? Hmhmhm.


Nice! Love to hear this :slight_smile:
I am playing on a german roleplay server at the moment, but I would love to get in touch with you guys. Is there a way to get in touch with you? (Ingame post isn’t working sadly)


Hello, potential Scourge!
I think in your circumstance the best way might be to make an alt on AD and - hopefully with minimal back and forth - sort out a lil chat that way? WoW doesn’t have the best communication tools sometimes, a little annoying, but what can you do.

To the thread as a whole: Sorry I’ve not updated! Been meaning to.
Good news though, we’ve started our first proper progress story! Yes! The Scourge are growing in power, this is absolutely a good thing for all you living corpses and you should not worry in the slightest.

A 6-8 week storyline of relocation of belongings, reallocation of bodyparts, and general evil scheming, will see us dig our heels in and become a power on the glaciar…as long as everything goes okay anyway…we’re running into a rather SpOoOoKy snag lately…

So if you’re interested in becoming Scourge, or your wee lil corpse is rising again? Now would be a really great time! Come help us become what the living fear most.


This seems badass, I will have to check it out