Anti’s Flower Power community is recruiting more people who want to do “old” content for the rewards. Currently content: BoD Mythic
Long time ago I spent most my time on openraid making cross realm raids. I started out with firelands with huge succes. Did it for weeks. think around 30 people got the mount and that was awesome. Release of Mist of pandaria I moved on to CM and afterwards weekly mythic Blackrock foundry with just less then 30 kills also fun times. I sadly short after downing mythic Xavius with my guild decide to quit the game. I’m now back after almost 3 years of a break and same is my weekly runs with start in BoD mythic. We have done 3 runs so far but from exp with weekly pugs in the group finder I have currently 10 ish people showing since week one and so far we managed to kill 8/9 Mythic with phase 1 progress on Jaina. I’m therefor looking for more people who wanna do this weekly with us.
Make sure before you sign up in my community that you have knowledge over all fight encounters. will atleast bring flask and can use dicord.
When you do join the community you need to add a note to yourself what role you’re playing and if you get into the raid group I will inv you to the calender inv. If you dont make it first week dont give up. My plan is not to inv 20 random selected people from the community every week, but hand select the people I know will keep on showing even after they gotten the mount so we can keep on bringing fresh people into the group and keep it clean.
Community link:
For any questions contact Antidots-Dentarg/Antihero-Dentarg in game.
Best regards