Rare Scanner strangely doesnt show these on minimap and my eyes are gonna go bad if I squint a bit more to map while flying over.
Are there any consistent ways to find disturbed earths?
Rare Scanner strangely doesnt show these on minimap and my eyes are gonna go bad if I squint a bit more to map while flying over.
Are there any consistent ways to find disturbed earths?
Rarescanner has a module (it’s already in the base addon) where you can see treasures like that. I think it’s on by default.
You can go to options-graphics and set Outline Mode to High. This will make all interactable objects glow with a purple outline from a hundred yards.
In the absence of an add-on, steady flying with outlines turned on is pretty easy. The bright purple things are hard to miss then.
Okay so I’ve just had this exact problem … and came across this solution on wowhead that worked for me:
If your Disturbed Earth does not have a purple outline, ensure NEITHER of the following Options settings are disabled-
1. System Section:
Graphics Tab > Graphics Quality > Outline Mode (set to High)
2. Gameplay Section:
Interface Tab > Display Section > Outline Mode (set to anything EXCEPT Disabled)
This makes the it MUCH easier to spot (especially with an [Inky Black Potion] popped at the same time)!
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