Any addon or way to locate disturbed earth for wax?

Rare Scanner strangely doesnt show these on minimap and my eyes are gonna go bad if I squint a bit more to map while flying over.

Are there any consistent ways to find disturbed earths?

Rarescanner has a module (it’s already in the base addon) where you can see treasures like that. I think it’s on by default.

You can go to options-graphics and set Outline Mode to High. This will make all interactable objects glow with a purple outline from a hundred yards.


In the absence of an add-on, steady flying with outlines turned on is pretty easy. The bright purple things are hard to miss then.

Okay so I’ve just had this exact problem … and came across this solution on wowhead that worked for me:

If your Disturbed Earth does not have a purple outline, ensure NEITHER of the following Options settings are disabled-

1. System Section:
Graphics Tab > Graphics Quality > Outline Mode (set to High)
2. Gameplay Section:
Interface Tab > Display Section > Outline Mode (set to anything EXCEPT Disabled)

This makes the it MUCH easier to spot (especially with an [Inky Black Potion] popped at the same time)!


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