Any advices on how to collect a high amount of gold ?

Good day everyone :beers: ~

Today I come to ask your help, or some tips on how to make a decent amount of gold; I’m soon going to start Heroic and Mythic raiding so I’ll need to gather a lot of consumables and I also want to get the expensive mounts: The frogs, the Dino and the spider.

-I know the best way to do it is to play with the marketplace but I am terrible at it, I tried it at some point in legion but I can’t seem to succeed with it.

-Old content such as raids and such doesn’t give as much gold anymore and I can’t count on the Missions table in BfA as it, well, sucks.

There was some farming spots with high respawn rate back in the days in MoP onwards that netted a high income but that’s not the case anymore.

Should I farm the BoE mounts from BfA ? Do they actually sell on the auction house ? Is there another grind area I’m missing on in BfA ?
I did some gathering runs but it is just horrible to do and doesn’t look as profitable anymore.

Thank you ~

Go to your realms AH and look. Make a note of who’s selling what then go back before the end of the auction and see if it’s sold. The only way to make gold is to sell rare stuff on a larger realm, small realms are never really a good place to sell things.

Buy token, sell on ah… this is what they want you to do.

Why else would they nerf ways to get gold.


I’ll try to take into account the state of the mounts so, thanks.
As for a larger realm, my realm was kinda big, but since I came back from my break, it looks like the population dwindled quite drastically. Right now I’m making a bit of profit selling BoE mog pieces, but it is not really steady.

Yea I know it is the case. But I want to play the game the “old” ways, as in, not cash in to cruise my way, I already did that enough on some stupid p2w gacha games, I don’t want to do it on AAA games :thinking:
cough well if the token was still 380k maybe my weak mind would’ve said otherwise. cough

The old ways in this game are dead… it’s why it’s losing players.

My best tip is to farm crafting materials from older expansions, materials that are required to skill-up professions and used in recipes, patterns, plans etc to create rare and expensive transmogs for example. The demand for these materials are unquenched in most cases, meaning you can farm as much as you want to- but it has a drawback, if you farm too much it will be difficult to sell and prices will go down. Some materials are preferred to not farm them so that there isn’t an abundance on the AH, so that prices will stay the same. In rare cases there are some materials that there are absolutely none of on the AH, you can choose the price.

Income for these old materials are much higher than BfA materials, but it is slightly more difficult to sell- not by much, though.

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I was looking into that actually, good to know it is still worth it !
Thank you for the advice, and the warning. I’ll take care to not overdo it !

Fishing makes a good amount of money. More so if you actually fish a mount up. Boring as hell but relatively lucrative

Good luck!

Work real life job and buy wow tokens.

Extra part time job would also work, faster than farming in game.

Aint that the sad truth :frowning:

Already answered that point :smiley:
I can do it easily, I just don’t want to participate in these greedy movements that plague gaming no more !

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Well if you also going to raid… sell boosts i suppose are the quickest way. I think a +10 boost run go for about 180k split between four people it’s quite lucrative for basicly no effort. Do I like this practice… certainly not, but figured I’d mention it.

However best way is to think of gold like a resource; Everything you do in game give it, every herb you pick up saves you from spending it… etc. Be self sufficient, farm feasts(or have guild farm togheter), grab your flasks and pots on your own etc. I make cauldrons for every raid, in return noone in guild every denied me a respec tome etc. If i forgot to grab some etc. Raiding makes you able to make blood sausages, I earned quite alot early on by making them(got a rank 3 recepie early).

I don’t earn a ton of gold, however each week I end on a positive, without any struggle to pay my gametime with gold etc. If you really want to earn gold however just get down and dirty, use a alt… preferably with legendaries lock it’s exp bar, teach it skinning or tailoring then just go to town farming mobs.

Skinnable mobs if you choose skinning.
Mount dropping enemies if you choose tailoring either sell the cloth, or you could also save up to make 30/32 slot bags.
Depending on ore / herb prices just slap on your moutn buffs and pick herbs like a mad man for a few days.

There’s always a way if you are willing to put in the effort. I earn most my gold doing odd world quests, by pulling everything within about 40 y that is. Just the vendor junk alone make me go way into the positives.

Depending on cloth proces you could also run old five man dungeons… I can earn 500 g in just a few minutes mass pulling stockades due to heavy wool, linen, silk and early enchant material prices.

Or just wait untill Nazjatar. If the treasure chest go live as they are, you can basicly pick up 30-40g from the floor every 10th second or so if you learn your routes.

If you have a lot of time to sit in trade spamming, I have heard boosting communities give their advertisers commission based on how many runs they line up for that community.

I’ve not tried it myself but a friend makes most of his gold this way.

There’s tons of ways. Some are top secret, others not so much.

For the not so much…

Make a twink DH and get the legendary head, and AH lego boots. Cap the exp at 111. Then boost FH runs for people wanting easy levels. 10k a run (on my server any who), and you can boost up to 4 people. Thats 50-200k an hour if the demands there.

I wouldn’t farm materials in BfA any more. I use to make 80k an hour farming herbs on 2 accounts. Its under 10k per chara now, there’s just not enough demand any more for pots and flasks.

You can (unless they’ve stopped it recently) find a mythic trash farm. That drops 415-425 BoE items. Pure range, I’ve had 3 items drop in an hour. I’ve had 0 items drop in several hours. Get a nice 425 item and you can rake in a million gold. Most 415s still selling for 150kish.

Gonna be alot of peed off people with this post lol.

First of all thank you for your post, it was a really interesting one to read !
As for boosting, maybe one day I’ll do them but it’d require to have a steady party to do it, and I’m not sure if my future guild will do that.

You mean the advertiser doesn’t run and just spam all day ? That could be a way but I find that a bit… too lazy lol.

Is there a way to get the head piece in a sure way ? Because when I saw the luck I had with the legendaries on Legion… It’ll take me more time to get the head than farming 10 millions :frowning:

That sounds interesting ! I remember farming trash way back in time some pieces and it was not so bad to do.

Don’t worry, everything’s good :ok_hand:

Yeah you are basic advertising and booking runs for them. It’s never appealled to me :laughing:

Step 1 stop spending gold.
Step 2 find a way to farm it.

I usually fail at step 1 :sunglasses:

Theres a vendor when you can pick the legendary for 1000 currency. All of them for the class to pick from. Might not be 1000 currency, it’s been a while since I’ve been to dalaran lol/

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But they buffed the mobs, so doing these lvl boosting will require you to get some rly decent gear from mythic antorus.

Edit: Transmog still works, but you will need to farm loads of em + craft gear from professions and when you are 3k+ items listing them becomes really tiresome.

You can farm mounts in bfa zones with these 2x4 groups. You should take tailoring bc you will get extra cloth, but the drop rates for the mounts were nerfed.

All together if you look to make a lot of gold, selling m+ dungeons is the best way to do it. Only the competition is big.