Don’t tell me I wasted time to create the perfect formal/casual outfit for Majima Demonfire!
Why does a DH need Formal or casual wear? Aren’t they supposed to live for the Hunt?
Because I’m not any edgy DH, I’m Majima
That doesn’t answer the question.
Oh yes it does, simply means I’m not forced to follow a template just because of my class. No naked torso mog for me.
But you’re a vodoo troll, you can’t appreciate true beauty as a Horde member !
Why roleplay a demon hunter, if you’re not going to roleplay a demon hunter?
No it doesn’t, and you are Forced to follow that Template because you are a Demon hunter, and that’s what Demon Hunters are.
Is that supposed to be an insult? because it doesn’t work if you can’t spell Voodoo properly.
Who talked about not roleplaying as DH? They can take it easy from time to time too, especially with the Legion gone.
Can you trolls just stop deviating the OP? I’m just looking for events, not having to justify myself because first you don’t know me and second you talk about things you don’t know.
This isn’t trolling. DH are a specific hero class with a clear role and direction.
You exist for the hunt. The Legion as a whole has failed, but the idea was to protect Azeroth, so do that. There are still demons to hunt. And the undead were largely created by the Legion, hunt them too.
That’s your opinion, now that all is said and done begone.
The hunt is never over.
Yeah, I do. still defending Lillynore?
But I obviously seem to know more than you.
That’s not my opinion, that’s the lore supported stance.
I never defended Lillywhatever from goldshire lux, still ganging up on a person and being insulting and rude isn’t going to make your case, even if said person was insulting first.
Again, if you want to have the high ground morally speaking act like it.
And stop trolling accross the forum too. Some dudes got their post deleted and probably got banned after that thread. Proves you guys weren’t as white as you may think.
I’m going to wager this is trolling in itself, and this is a bait thread, Duddy.
You said what you had to say and you’re still here? Are you that bored? Jesus, go level up or something
Telling people they are wrong and that what they do is morally wrong isn’t rude.
I am acting like it. I’m acting calm and efficient, you’re looking for a ball, most likely so you can hit on people and brag about the size of your “horns”.
No can do, got a quota to fill. the Boss wants several posts a day, besides, this isn’t trolling, it’s telling you that a Demon Hunter wouldn’t be going to a Ball because they live for the Hunt.
And some Radical Larrys got double digit likes, don’t hate the player, hate the game.
- that’s offensive to black people, why is it only white is good?
- I’m welsh, so I am so white the sun reflects off me.
Yes, my child?
I am bored.
Trolls confirmed…
Gotta RP casual citizen with 34 noble houses while still being able to kick Sargeras’
Killin’ legion in my spare time, living that slice of life dream at all others.