Any characters inspired your main?

This is a fun thread, as i havent seen many of these in a while. im eager to see what everyone answers.

do you have any characters that inspired your main in any way shape or form, wether it be his/her personality, clothing, or other? i will start and use me as example.

Personally, i have 5 characters in mind that inspired Ameerah, back when she was a High elf female ranger.

  • Alleria Windrunner (inspired me to become a hunter)
  • Khaleesi (inspired me to have that long wavy princess-like hair)
  • Princess Jasmine from Disney (inspired my character’s sassiness)
  • Susan pevensie from Narnie (again inspired me to become a hunter)
  • Tauriel (lord of the rings)

There is something powerful about a woman with a bow, dont know what it is. That being said even though i took some inspiration from these characters that shaped my main, i still tried to make her unique in some way, her own character.

This was a comission art done by Helen Morgun, that perfectly caputured Ameerah in her early days when i played her in Shadowlands from 50-60 and she ended up being in Ardenweald. I pictured her being feminine, strong, brave, graceful, beautiful, and elegant. maybe a bit clumsy but thats just me falling off cliffs :joy:


Well, right at the start of this for SL at launch:

I wish guardian druids would actually be more fearful, not hitting like a wet noodle. Tanky as hell but deals no damage.

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I heard Feral is the same.

Back in cataclysm/ WOTLK we used to fear when a Druid tank comes our way

If Guardian deals no damage, than Blood does negative damage. :laughing:


Both hit like wet noodles compared to something like prot paladins, lol. Prot paladins damage is going to get ridiculous next patch with double legendaries.

Oh yes, I read about that. Meanwhile Blood will likely be at the bottom yet again. It’s quite unfortunate.

As for the topic of the thread, I was inspired by the Triumvirate of the Hand draenei exarchs from Bloodmyst Isle. This character was originally a draenei. :slight_smile:

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Tyrael from Diablo

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I think the idea of maining a belf priest came from 2 blood elf priests I saw on private servers. One of them was an amazing healer and loved to be grouped with them, with me doing the tanking. The other one simply had amazing transmogs, which made me realise the class was gifted in that regard. I mean, look at Antorus or T5!

Later on, here on retail, I found tanking wasn’t for me, but still wanted to be an important role. So I became a healer.

As for the personality of my mains, they were inspired by Mike from Total Drama series, who has like 5 or 6 different personalities, which take control by a specific trigger (Say, Vito emerges when his T-shirt is ripped off, or Manitoba Smith will take over when the guy puts a hat on his head). The person was… unpredictable, but very lovable.

Which is also what I kinda am. I love approaching things from multiple PoVs, and can be considered a double agent, even.
By the way, I originally wanted my main to be a velf. When I first saw the race, I fell in love with them immediately.
But alas, them being part of the Alliance these days, means doing content is more difficult, and I’ve had my main for quite a couple years.

This is how the two opposites, the red and the blue Dunkiee were born. Like earth and sky, Light and Shadow, they are each other’s opposites, yet they love each other secretly, deep within, for the sake of balance. :heart::purple_heart:

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Kung Fu panda.

Dragon warrior!


Cap’n Crunch

lady liadrin for my paladins
halduron for my hunters
valeera sanguinar for my belf rogues
for my dk maybe lk arthas belf war varian? it depends idk


Garrosh inspired me to be a badass orc warrior that slaughters everything in my way.

Uther/Turalyon and Shadowlands Anduin for me to be a paladin, protector of my people and kingdom.

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thank you for reminding me
uther is my favourite paladin too

My main will soon be inspiring official characters. watch this space.

Beat me to it…

But I am the dragon healer.

Hi Yu’lon!


Tenchu"s Tatsumaru

Yes, I do. You can take a guess which one.

I’m an archer and bow hunter in real life so… I guess I got inspired by myself :stuck_out_tongue:


Dain Ironfoot from The Hobbit. Just waiting on my pig mount (not store bought) pls blizz :sob: