so lots and lots and lots of posts concerned about how the class plays and design issues.
no confirmation on if anything is going to change?
cmon blizz give us a response of some kind so we know where the ground lies.
Blizzard does in general not communicate with anyone through the forum. Most likely the only blizzard affiliated notice of this post will the bot scanning your content for ToS breaches. Pretty sure it is even in the rules of the forum that you are not to petition, call for action or that sort directed towards blizzard. Why? Because they simply do not care. Never have, never will. Too big a company, no roots left with the playerbase. The community discord program was a clear identicator of that.
We could discuss why or the hows - yet in the end it is what it is.
If you want to have a bigger chance you need to ask the question in a fora where you can be seen and heard by the masses. The forums are only a few, disgruntled and ignored people in general. A few thousand at most. Then you also are on the wrong side of the forum, that being the EU vs the NA. We kinda are the ‘those guys over there’ side of things in the eyes of Blizzard. Pesky with our love for unions and regulations of companies, dirty filthy creates we are - indeed.
So I recommend you to take to twitter. Make a good meme, so you gain traction, a lot of likes and shares. Then maybe, and I mean maybe as in one in a million chance, you will see an answer going “Don’t worry, we are aware and looking at it with a stern gaze.” Then slap the back of a poor intern telling him to “Release some twitch drops or something, do the thing so the pisaunts forget again.”
I wish you godspeed and the very best on your quest.
We stand behind you in spirit.
Well they used to communicate back in the day.
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