Any Dev's moves with Mages speccs?

Hello it’s me Sunfury fire mage with 1 million Dpse… why i have to farm 4 months 636 itemlvl when i can do the same with items 610… Hello i try some dungeons with my shaman dpse and it do better with 615 than my mage 636 … and now we wait to hit the Jackpot with the same 1 million dpse , hello is there any alive dev ! that can bring some brain and action with our 3 specs and aways 1 million dpse! or all of us have to reroll to shamans for big dpse!!! In this case u have to put a shaman tank and all will be okey !

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It’s been weird this expansion.

As time has gone on, despite getting constant gear upgrades, I feel as though my damage hasn’t actually improved, like the changes they’ve made over time have been negating the gear progress, and that the gear scaling on the whole is terrible for Mages.

There are some specs that are absolutely wrecking the meters, while we have 4 out of our 6 hero specs being embarrassing to play due to their low damage output, with the remaining 2 being average and slightly above average.

Yeah, my 610 Shaman has been doing an insane amount of damage despite the gear difference.

I pop Ascendance and melt entire packs, and my damage without even using cooldowns and trinkets is crazy high. Then there’s times if I get lucky enough with DRE and Aftershock procs, I can basically delete bosses.

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