So I’ve dipped my toes into RP and I had a lot of fun. I hope to continue but I’m well aware I will need to find a guild to get into any on-going story events etc. I’m also from a raiding background, and it’s still something I enjoy, but not as hardcore as I used to. To avoid having to play and keep up two characters on two different servers I figured I’d see if I can mix the two together.
It would be this rogue that I’d like to raid on. I have hefty raid experience but I am a noob to RP’ing!
Yeah I’m aware. I already have a raid character in a guild on another server. I was just hoping to merge the two enjoyments instead of having to balance two characters with my already limited free time.
If I do find a raiding guild here on AD Horde at least I could try and get my raiding toon into some out of guild events. Though that could be hard as I’ve bene told it’s very guild heavy for RP here.
In my experience RP-raid hybrid guilds are very rare.
While there’s certainly people both willing and able to put the time into both - like me - maintaining a whole guild of those people is much more difficult.
Yeah I thought it might be a bit of a lost cause but I figured I’d try my luck. I lose nothing from asking.
Otherwise if not I’ll just have to decide if I wanna continue to focus raiding or try and focus on RP. Doing both across two characters is not going to be feasible until a point like now, where there isn’t much raiding to be had.
What I am doing is RPing with a guild and raiding with a non-guilded raiding community. If you ask me RP gets a lot more out of a guild than a raid group does.
There’s such a raiding community over here on Alliance specifically for RPers, presumably for that reason, which is very nice. Alliance is about twice as big as Horde on AD, which I assume greatly helps such a community sustain itself.
That’s cool. I am wanting to be Horde though unfortunately. My non-RP friends are all Hordies and I do prefer it. Plus a lot of the fun in raiding is raiding with the same people and progressing together. I don’t know what it’s like with the community but PuGing just loses that whole part of it and it just stops being fun then for me.
We haven’t raided towards the end of the expansion, but we (Gilded Blades) are planning to get our raid team up and running for Shadowlands again - and we do have an M+ team as well!