Title says it all peeps, where is Khadgar his been gone since Legion. BFA, understandable he didn’t want to get caught up in the really poor war we had. But surely he should be making an apperence in shadowlands, can we really go another two years without his Puns, his charisma, his dad jokes.
Will he be making an apperence or is he gone, cast out to the empty halls of Karzhan.
He’s too busy playing Hearthstone or something.
Hopefully we’ll see him after Shadowlands. The guy’s a living legend, and one of the best memes in WoW.
He could of single handedly saved bfa with his humour.
I think there was a response from blizzard at one point to that question.
It was sort of in the sense of
“sometimes a character needs a break in a storyline, to remove the focus from a singular character being to important”
Khadgar was pretty much the main character we followed in WoD and Legion. So giving him a break seems logical.
Green Jesus rose to power because he didn’t want to take a break.
I’ll tell you. Khadgar is dead and demands a realm connection. Ba dum tss!
Khadgar being absent was a bit strange considering his character but I suppose him being featured in two expansions in a row it made sense.
But they couldn’t really have him align with either factor over the other and we already had Magni to pester us with Azerite-related things so what was there for Khadgar to do.
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I would like for him to be with us during Shadwolands. I mean who is more suitable to guide us in another realm if not him .
He drowned in Apexis Crystals.
Didn’t we only the give him like 1? He gave us the rest back, the troll.
Leave a man be and let them snort apexis crystals in peace
I don’t know but I miss him dearly. Maybe getting Master Bra’tac for voicing again is difficult. It wouldn’t work without him.
Kadghar should have died for good at the end of legion.
Of course this would’t solve the issue with him in SL.
Sometimes people should just die. Thrall should have died at the and of Cata. Anduin in his crib and Cairne should have lived forever.
I miss Khadgar I hope we see him again in a future expansion.
Curse Khadgar, and curse the foolish council members who chose him over Jaina. They will all run Dalaran into the ground, quite literally.
He can’t afford the Epic edition of Shadowlands and as the basic version had no pre-purchase bonus he’s holding off on getting it til pre-patch.
He still looking for new robes after I tickled him a tad too much and an " accident " happened, now I get Khad’gar all for myself.
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his hopefully dead in a ditch along with the rest of the kirin tor council of six and in the distance you see the smoldering remains of dalaran shot down by the alliance for their treason against humanity and with this 3rd rate faction dead our own magisters will finally be relevant
Insaina has become a bigger joke than Khadgar ever was
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