Any Night Elf Male Hunters in any part of the lore?


I was wondering if anyone who knows the lore better knows of any night elf male hunters? To be honest, I don’t know of any female ones either in the lore, so just curious

I know of their gender based class history, just curious if there are any other “Jarod Shadowsong’s” out there :smiley:

Not really.

Not important ones anyway.

Just got to accept that you play a “female” dominated race. :raising_hand_woman:


Well are there any known female hunters?

Females being the dominant gender is super cool :sunglasses:

Shandris Feathermoon - General of the Sentinel Army
Maiev Shadowsong - Lead Warden of the Kaldorei
Tyrande Whisperwind - Leader of the Night Elves
Emmerell Shadewarden - fought alongside the High Elven Farstriders during the first Troll Wars.

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Ofc, me :slight_smile:


I see, a bit of a mix of different classes though aren’t they?

I was wondering if there is an army of night elven hunters, or are they also considered a part of sentinels? You don’t usually come across any other class than those female warriors in Darnassus. Except for trainers of course. :smiley:

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All considered “hunters” and use “Hunter-like abilities.”

And no - the main sentinels are women and commanded by women.

I didn’t mean their gender, I was just wondering if there is an army of night elven hunters or are sentinels only warriors, because I haven’t seen any sentinel that looks like a hunter. :slight_smile:

Well what does a Hunter look like?

One with a bow

I’m not sure what your asking for now?

Any male night elves using a bow?

I think I was pretty clear with my above post, but I was asking if there is an army of night elf hunters (does not matter which gender), since Sentinels appear to be warriors only, at least the ones that I’ve seen in game. :smiley:

“Sentinels” are a mixture of Warrior, Hunter and Rogue.
Some could even be a Priestess.

Aight thanks

I haven’t seen any other night elf rogue than Rell Nightwind from SI:7

Well that’s because again - SI:7 is a Human led Rogue-organisation, whereas the Sentinels are more of a night elf military organisation, where the Sentinels come with Glaive and Shield, twin moon swords or a bow + quiver, full of arrows.

It just so happens, most of these happen to be women.

Now, the Blood Elf Farstriders are more split between male and female.

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Thanks for the answers. :slight_smile:

I just found an article on this topic and it appears the sentinels are mainly female because the army was formed of priests and as all night elven priests were female, that resulted in an army of female night elves. However, they opened up their military for male nelfs later, and it appears Worgen were allowed to join as well.

But I do rather enjoy the idea of someone like Jarod Shadowsong, someone who goes “solo” rather than joins an organisation and I guess that is majorly where our roles as players stand in the WoW universe

He was actually the Commander in the War of the Ancients, largely disappeared after that with his wife until the Cataclysm. Night Elves is/was a matriachal society and later the most common male presence was Druids. Whilst the gender roles are pretty much unrestricted now, you still will find mostly female heroes as sentinels and male heroes as druids.


That’s interesting. I’m one who usually considers whether my character is lore-accurate, but when I think about my initial question now, I think the problem rather lies with the assumption I made that one’s character must be like other lore characters. Quite often actually the lore characters break free from the class restrictions as they’re able to do so much more. And player created characters pretty much live their own lives, sort of take the ‘rogue path’. So, I actually think any class/race/gender combination is “realistic” in the end, because you make your own path. :smiley:

Just to point out, Night Elf Mages are a bit of a mixed bag as well, but at this stage - we know more Male Night Elf Mages than we do, Female Night Elf Mages.

If you want to check up on the “Highborne” lore, then it does present a good read. Please can I remind you though that lots of their stuff happened over 10,000 years ago and what we’ve got now are remnants of that society, but the main named night elf mages who are current are males.

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