Any outlaw converts?

Switched from sub to outlaw.

This spec is so much fun its like crack. I am never going back to that borefest ever again.

(unless ofc they bring back crit sepsis shadowlands sub…)

Outlaw is allot of fun. I used to play Sub till Legion and switched to Outlaw and it’s been a fun spec ever since.

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I switched from outlaw to assassination,im enjoing it alot more and cant see me going back on it!

Switched from warrior to rogue, but wasn’t sure what spec would be the best…

Outlaw is probably the most fun spec out there.

I leveled a Sin Rogue on Argent Dawn, then found out WM is dead on RP servers :sweat_smile: Then had to re-level a new Rogue on a normal server, and decided to go Outlaw to spice things up…

BEST decision ever!

It feels like playing Warrior, but with all the Rogue utility. It’s fast and fun. :slight_smile:

Not sure how Outlaw performs in PvP compared to the other specs, but I’ll give it a shot.

Outlaw is a great Spec,WPVP is kinda low if you are alliance on AD but most servers seem to be one sided on Faction Ratio.

Outlaw has high APM and kinda plays like a pseudo furry at times :stuck_out_tongue: with utility and a rich toolkit :smiley:

there are so many ways you can approach fights and it can go in more ways as your burst is not constrain like it is on SUB.


Nothing in the game is comparing to the sheer joy of sending extra buffed Secret Technique doing pure crit each hit…
Outlaw is sure fun, but squeezing dmg from sub is very satisfying :laughing: