Any reason Black Arrow is like 30-50% BM hunters damage?

im a big hunter hater, but i don’t understand the question itself… how can it be a problem if a spell is a 30/50% of your dmg breakdown… i don’t see it being a problem itself

Actually I saw one 2 days ago in shuffle, but that was weird he was apparently a dps but playing tank.

He had also crazy self healing aoe absorb, I was impressed the kind of dmg it does and seems to be pretty durable (even though he trolled 1 game).

I saw trill play prot pal and it looks pretty strong too (I wonder if they will play it in awc, into some comp with double caster they did pretty well).

Blood dk is unironically very viable rn. Way moreso than specs like fire mage for example.

I’d even class it as A tier.

BM hunter are also extremely overtuned atm. When something is overtuned, the fotm rerollers comes to life
And lordaeron arena should actually get deleted

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BM 100%, they do the same substain DMG as a fury warrior but the hunter can almost have 100% uptime for it. Fury cant

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