Any reason to choose any profession AS a new player?

Is there any valid benefit to choose and start to learn a profession, upgrading the skill if you are a new player? Lots of profession is extremely hard to skill up and there is an extreme quantity of missing knowledge point and a non existent catching-up mechanism.

Even the herbalism, mining and skinning looks worthless if I am thinking about the time they require.

Is it the best to forget the whole profession system and just playing without it or am I missing something? (excluding fishing and cooking)

I meant that there is no way to reach the same knowledge point as the players who started earlier. Without knowledge point you can gather and make only useless junks which no-one needed. So it is not worth to do any of the profession. You cant make better gear in the first half year than the ones you can get multiple sources day one when you reached the lv70. At this state of the game the professions cant help you in any way, but wasting your time. My main was an inscriptor almost in the whole expansion and still I was not able to reach the lvl100 skill. I still stucked at lvl88. Zero work orders in every day, in every week and without those I would have burnt millions of gold which I dont have just to upgrade my skill. For a new player upgrading a profession in the Dragonflight would be just pure frustration without any benefit.

Not ideal but you can send orders from your own Alts

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You still dont have chefs rolling pin recipe and you play whole expansion? It is often used to level to 100.
Or crafting staves from alts with sparks?

I can see a few reasons to learn and use professions on a not-yet-maxlevel alt :

Gathering profession give you a small amount of XPs each time you pick something that isn’t grey for your skill level, so it can speed up a tiny bit the leveling phase.

Simply doing anything else than grinding end-level content to hope to get that specific item. Change is good for the mind.

Being self-sufficient : raising your own professions, all of them, on several characters will stop you from depending on the AH. You’ll save ingame money, and might even be able to make ingame money.

Helping your guild, if you’re not in a mega-guild with maxed everywhere crafters and gatherers : this feels self-explanatory.

And for the “Knowledge Points Problem” : Renown and vendors have a series of boosts that you can buy, but the little used Dark Moon Faire (coming back every month) has Profession Quests that give you 2 Skill Points (3 for Gathering), 3 Knowledge Points and some Artisan’s Mettle.

But, as soon as the next expansion will drop, all that will be “wasted” anyway.

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Gatherer, for gold. Otherwise…

Really hope for some ketchup mechanics for KP the next expac, highly unlikely they would implement it now imo. Did some math and (for some profs, not all) if you were to start fresh today you would only get to max out one branch before the downtime after the third tier starts. Its really sad cause i would have liked to experience more than two profs this expansion. But now it feels kind of pointless to start fresh profit wise.

Alchemy , while not the best gold-making profession, with the new overhauled system can grant you extra effects for potions, reduce drawbacks from certain potion effects, and so on.
Weapon/Armor making professions so you can make some equipment for yourself and alts.
Don’t forget that there are knowledge trasures scattered in the world (new expansion zones only) that give you some extra knowledge points (these can be found via guides , usually with coordinates as well).

Well, as strange as it seems, from my own experience with alts currently running around MoP, WoD and SL, the daily profession quests (like that young Panda whose name escapes me right now) and the Profession WQs in SL did not go away, and those of SL even changed to give you a +1 skill ON TOP of the usual rewards.

So I hope that we’ll still have those weeklies for DF when the next expac hits, simply because for not-yet-maxed characters they can be life-savers.

I’m only able to play a single character at a time, so my only maxed Profession is Engineering, with everything else lagging 6 months behind …

Hi there.

I feel your pain. I decided to lvl BS on an alt that dinged 70 later on in the expansion and the result is I am way behind other players that lvled from the start and I don’t get jobs to do, can’t lvl my actual skill beyond 68. I would not start a finishing prof now I know the frustration of it, that I did not lvl from the start.

Gathering and alchemy are indeed the best options for new toons.

The mightiest problem with DF trade skills, at least crafting ones, is that you need to build things requiring Sparks to acutally go above 60 or so.

At the start of the expac, the number of Sparks of Ingenuity was 5 + maybe some if you were extremely lucky.

With the S2, we got one Shadowflamme every two weeks.

There simply isn’t enough “customers” to allow everyone to raise all the trade skills to the max, I’ve never seen a single Engineering public order, and almost everyone already has the “spark” items they needed already crafted.

So starting a trade skill even two weeks late means losing the race.

There is a way to get around, but it’s extremely slow : the Darkmoon Faire has “trade skill quests” that give +2 skill (+3 for gathering), +2 Knowledge and some Artisan’s Mettle.

But it’s once per Faire, and the Faire comes back every month during the first week-end.

In your case with a skill of 68, you’d need 16 weeks to finish the skill with the Darkmoon Faire (and I don’t think you’d get max Knowledge, even then).

Luckily, those quest take 5 minutes, getting the materials in the shops outside the Faire (or even inside in the case of Alchemy), but still, it’s a real pain.

Make trial character alts and use their sparks, easy profession skill to 100.

Sweet Basement Cat, why didn’t I think of that ?

You’re sure it works though ?

Trial chars can take the shortcut for the 5 Ingeniosity Sparks ?

As far as I remember, once you log out of a Trial Char, you cannot log back in with it without either buying a level pass or reverting to level 1 ~ Tutorial …

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