Any special requirements for Solo-LFR-N'Zoth-Wing

I’m trying to solo BFA content and done whatever I could do.

However I cannot find how to enter N’Zoth-Wing in Nyalotha.
There just seems to be no entry at Kiku.

Is there anything else I need to do before I can callenge NZoth?

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I worry that this boos cannot be the solo encountre , the reasons for this is as follows.

  1. The player will need to be active in both phases simultaneously, however they have permissance to be in one phase only unless the game is an broken game

Thank you for your time, let me know what you think

ok…that might be the reason.
Was just wondering because all other LFR-encounters that you cannot solo are available for selection (especially last Uldir-wing)

Do you have the legendary cloak? The final 2 fights used to require that, since there’s a sanity mechanic. You instantly go insane when not wearing the cloak and the higher you have levelled up your cloak in visions, the lower your sanity losses during the fight are. I have the legendary and I was able to queue up for the final wing of raid finder.

I just checked it and the fight is perfectly soloable. You go into the mind phase, deal with the mind add and then can kill all the tentacles that spawned during your absence just fine during the N’zoth dps phases.


Nope…I just went to Boralus without doing any questing in BfA. Then that’s the thing that I’m missing. Need to find out how to get it then :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

You’ll need to do the questline from the final patch of BfA. It’ll send you around the Vale and Uldum, and by the end of it you’ll get your cloak. Not sure if you need to do any prior BfA stuff to unlock that questline, since I’ve played through all of BfA on my main so I had that cloak laying around anyways.

Also, if you do get the cloak, I’d suggest you to look up how the N’zoth fight works. It can still be somewhat challenging and even at 300ilvl I wasn’t able to skip all of the mechanical parts with DPS.

Just to be clear, your cloak level does not change a thing other than stats. So the moment you get it you can do n’zoth :slight_smile: That was a myth back in bfa that people seemed to believe. It is not true. It only applies to visions

Oh, so that stackable reduction of sanity loss did not apply to sanity in these two fights? I thought it worked that way for the entirety of last season of BfA…

I swear my sanity loss did not change on my main as I leveled her cloak outside of visions

You might be right. I wasn’t PvEing very seriously in Ny’alotha patch (only heroic, the first 3 bosses of mythic and late KSM), so I might be misremembering things there.

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Thanks again to everyone for their help.

I did get the cloak and the option appeared.
The fights themselves are still challenging and interesting if you haven’t played the mechanics during progress-time.

They usually adjust that for legacy content further down the line, for example, Kalecgos in Sunwell and Halion in Ruby Sanctum where they remove the mechanic requiring two players to be in different phases. They usually change a mechanic that needs two people to get past a mind control boss spell as well.

Only problem I see with Carapace and N’Zoth himself is the cloak requirement.

Hate to tell you, but BfA raids are still unable to solo in parts. And Nyalotha is no exception. But look into the classic raid browser. There are usually several Nya runs per day, so you should be fine. Get your cloak before though…

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