Any update on the guild bank issue?

Hello…, its already been a few months and we still have no response on this issue.
And because now there is a precedent we are also afraid to reuse the empty guild banks.
I do not want to start a flame war in the forums but an honest answer would be a better solution than the usual PR BS we have been given so far (we are looking into it- no you are not really etc etc).
Honesty comes a long way, as most people who are pissed i believe that are pissed because of the time invested to gather all those materials and not really the amount of gold (or potential sales gold) they lost due to the issue.
And as I can speak only for myself , i have like 10 alts in my personal guild so that i could use that precious guild bank and years ago i decided to lose the possibility of social interaction with others(by joining a real guild) due to the benefits of the guild bank, which tbh have become obsolete thanks to the warband equivalent.
All we want is a final resolution to these questions
Will we get ever get our items back?
If we are not getting our items back are we getting any type of compensation (like the gold that we spent to buy the guild bank tabs- easy to find out how many tabs an account has - no FBI case complexity there) e.g 5 tabs get 10k gold back , 1 tab 100g etc
Is there a purpose for individuals to ever make a guild bank/invest gold for more tabs?
No PR type of answers just a yes or no will suffice

please forgive any grammatical errors as English is not my native tongue


The short answer: Nope
The long answer: you can forget about that happening.
The absolute radio silence surrounding this issue is telling us everything we need to know. Those items are gone, Blizzard doesnt know who lost what and has just decided to ignore it alltogether.

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There is a pinned thread in CS

However I’ve not seen any further information since it happened.

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