Any way to check Heritage Armour eligibility?

Way back in WoD times, I used one of those character boosts they throw at you with every expansion. And I think I may have used it on this character. Is there any way for me to check that? I know there are slash commands for checking achievement/quest progress and I’m hoping there’s something similar for heritage armour eligibility.

I like to think that maybe it won’t matter if this is the boosted character since it’s way back in time and before heritage armour was a thing, but hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. So it would be nice if I can easily check this before potentially wasting a couple of days leveling.

The boosts only prevent the allied races from getting their armor, but the main races (like your goblin) are still eligible for the cloak even if boosted

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Great news, thank you :slight_smile: I think I may have actually read that once before and forgotten.

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