Any way to delete the horse neigh sounds?

Is there a way to delete the sound files for the horse neigh for rider of the apocalypse?
its driving me crazy… How the DK dev diden’t pick up on that is beyond me.
But he did make a mockery of the 4 horsemen with the hero talent so what do i know.
I dont like rider of the apocalypse at all.
It turns the 4 horseriders into personal pokemon’s
and if more than one UH DK is in the same vicinity you get X amount of doubles of these legendary heroes “facepalm”
Cant understand how anyone would think this is cool.
But I leveled with San’layn to 80 and it seems useless compared.
But i’m just a casual so hopefully i’m wrong.

Hope its possible to delete the neigh sounds.

Unfortunately, there is no way to delete files from the WoW client, as it would not launch due to not having the correct files etc. It would then only redownload/install those missing files.

You’d also run the risk of your account being flagged for trying to launch with missing files all the time, which could result in the system locking your account (so never mess around with the client files).

I doubt there is anything, which allows for certain abilities to be muted, but it’s something that you could indeed provide feedback/suggestion through on the ingame support system.

turn volume off

Blizzard i have
Equinophobia or hippophobia is a psychological fear of horses.
I need an option to get crab sounds instead :slight_smile:

The Leatrix Plus addon can probably mute them. I’ve muted the Grummles on my Yak mount. You would need to know the sound file number, but another addon, Leatrix Sounds can help you find it.

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cool thanks. Was thinking that replacing the files with silent samples might have been legal ill try that


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Seconding Leatrix Plus. I can’t vouch that it’ll work for sure but I know I’ve used it in DF to mute the song from the Meerah’s Jukebox toy because a guildie would use it in raid on cooldown and it was driving me crazy.