Any way to go through older dungeons/raids at a non-speedrunning speed?

I’d like to go through WoTLK and TBC content especially, but when queueing through LFD in Chromie Time, I most often encounter people who rush ahead without letting me read the RP chat or quest content, whether I played as the tank or DPS.

Are there any written down strats or guides to let me go through these older instances w/o one-shotting everything if soloing? I already know about XP locking when it comes to preventing getting kicked out of Chromie Time, but that doesn’t quite solve the issue of not knowing enough people to go through the older content at the originally intended pace.

No, there is no way. Blizzard very specifically avoid doing anything to promote or enable parties going through dungeons at any speed below hair-is-on-fire.

As a Blood Death Knight, you can probably solo almost all dungeons in Chromie Time if you get gear that is good for your level. You can certainly do it as a duo with one other player. In theory, you could gather a full party of 5 who want the same experience you do. I’m sure there are plenty out there. But finding a way to get their attention is something that we do not have. :frowning:

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