Anyone else don't want q arena because of destro?

2vs2 is full of them at high rating u see nothing else its just pathetic how broken this class is now…


Weird, i only meet sv + heal.

I queued 62 2s games at the start of this week, i faced about 5 discs, 5 double dps, 10-15 holy palas and about 40 rdruids. 0 mw or rsham

felt like almost every game was rdru/x and 95% of the time it was either rdru/frost mage, rdru/surv or rdru destro. All insanely obnoxious and broken comps

the hpalas were all playing hpala/destro and hpala unh dk


Wierd i mostly fight fistmonk/rdruid

or dk/hpala

But w/e i agree, facing destro is extremely infuriating.

Yeah but isn’t it easier to work around them on 2s and kite their burst?

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Well i am destro myself and i hate Mirror matches and yes, you can work around it. However this leads to 90% damp games which is what makes it obnoxious.

I can understand everyone who hates facing destro/x.

I queued 45 2s games this week and i had 41 games of Hpala/Feral and Rdruid/Hunter while playing WW/Disc. meeting an destro lock would be more in my preference than any of these comps but at max mmr you only see those unfortunately.

The sad part of this session was that these players are not even good at this game which makes this more laughable

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You have such unique experiences all the time.

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