Anyone else has empty character list in Ragnaros?

Got disconnected in M+ and tried to log back. Empty character list on Ragnaros and still able to log on other servers where I have characters.

Where Ragnaros characters? :3

Ok they’re back… got me scared. Rip key.

Happened again now for me…

Happening to me now, they came back and tried logging into my Evoker which crashed during loading screen and they are gone again.

Server is at it again :smiley: Well done small indie dev blizz.

Where characters again? Is this a common thing now? I see my characters on other realms, just not my main server Ragnaros.

I am having the same issue. No characters listed.

It’s called blizzard being crap.

We should get compensation, just lost a key I was pushing and we were nearly done, just at the 2nd to last boss of Tides, on a 24.

There’s really no reason at all I can see for this bug that’s happening every 2-3 days without a fix, and not even the courtesy of an explanation on the forums.

If this is how their CS is working now they’re gonna have no value by the time Microsoft actually come in.

Total disregarding for peoples most valueable asset, time.

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