Anyone else having problem with Narain’s Scrying Goggles?

Hey, just wondering how many runs people had to run MC to get the goggles? I’ve done 2 full runs and 8 trash resets (clearing up to Geddon).

It’s starting to feel bugged, to that point where I’m wondering if I should drop the quest and pick it up again.

Yes I have looted all the mobs, use ML set to Poor and in trash runs I’ve used FFA.

I’ve been lucky to have kind people around me to assist me with this dumb farm.

How many runs have you done without getting them? Or how long did it take for you to get them?

2 runs.
The issue can be the lootsystem. 2 time my Guild dit it, we have free for all on, so I Can loot all the mobs my self, the worst is if some one don’t loot the mob, so you never Can see the drop is there.

Every reset have like 1 to 2 drops out from experiance. But it only take one person on grp/master loot to mess it op.

I don’t get it, I’ve spent about 10 hours farming this, it just doesn’t drop. I have used every forum suggestion, loot advice available, but nothing.

Same problem, here’s my post. Had any luck since ?

Did a full clear last lockout without it dropping, while I heard that other people got it that lockout before Garr and even on the chest of Majordomo. I was stressed this lockout so started Wednesday early to get into MC asap. Dropped on the first mob, now got the Scepter.


i’ve said it before. blizzard allowing people to get brood rep other than fragments was great. it was just a middle finger somewhat to those that might have helped other for 4 days to get on it. it is what it is. but all this has done i moved the bottle neck elsewhere. all bosses drop one draconic for dummies. weavil drop ones. narrains drops are ridiculously low. dont even get me started on the nightmare fragment drops. all this is is just a middle finger to those wanting scarab lord.

could have so easily been fixed. back in the day we had guild sof 40 people going for 1 person. now you have multiple players wanting it. youve had AH scalpers earning ridiculous amounts of gold off off this. absolutely no need whatsoever

we cleared our CACHE folder as someone suggested and got 3 in a trash clear just after.

Yeah no luck with our runs either. People paying huge amounts of gold for people to just farm trash on our server.

idk we got it before the first boss :dracthyr_lulmao: