Anyone else think the Hammer of Light bug was awesome?

Title. Actually felt awesome to have the 12 second window of trying to get as many of the giga hammer strikes in as possible, Divine Purpose procs and all. Would honestly love to see it brought back and properly implemented.


I actually thought the opposite.

Having to build to 5 holy power over and over again got old after 2 minutes.
Made the flow of gameplay very awkward.


It was certainly clunky… Unless you got 4 divine purpose procs back to back… in which case it was awesome. I almost want to say I liked having unlimited casts as a gameplay thing, but just needed another HP generator or that old ability that made our HP gens give twice as much HP

Yeah it was awesome. The DPS and the Defence you were getting was just too OP (i guess). And no, my build would only need 3HP instead of 5 so it was so sweet.

With divine purpose, templar strikes and holy blade it really didn’t feel like too much of a problem to be generating the needed HP IMO, but it’s obviously not as smooth as normal gameplay we’re used to.

And yeah I think gameplay wise having the 12s window is a cool idea.

I completely disagree.

Besides, I am pretty sure that trying to spam HoL wasn’t even optimal way to play.
You’d be delaying your Crusade stacks which means you’d be stuck at 6 stacks for much longer so you’d be losing out on damage, and better gameplay with more Haste.

I Disagree. Playing mainly as a protection paladin, i like the idea of having several buttons to hit in your rotaion in order tou keep your defensives and damage up and having it all reduce to just 1 button makes it very dull

Blizz pls revert the change. The rotation was amazing. I will be fine with dmg nerf but pls keep that 12 sec window

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it was awesome imo → see my comment here: The War Within Hotfixes - 10 September - #43 by Beldain-lordaeron

I don’t agree on this. First of all after WOA you can do hammer immediately so you start off with 6 stacks instead of 4 and then next you go immetietly to 10 (which is easy when divine toll is up) instead of going to 7 and 10 afterwards. I would guess the difference in the staging between 1-6-10 and 1-4-7-10 is neglectable. And you will also reach 10 in roughly the same time because you can exchange the 1gcd from one consumer less for the 1holy power that you need more for the 2 Hammer casts.
and with divine toll in aoe (like i wrote in the other chat thread) you basically get 2hammers for free so in this case you are for sure faster reaching the 10 stacks.

if you feel it is clunky then don’t use it like this. having the ability to cast it multiple times doesn’t prevent you from using it just once and playing it “less clunky” by using the other consumers afterwards :wink:

i actually felt that it was clunky with a single use because i tried to use the single use after i had the 10 crusader stack. but then I am basically at 0 holy power and don’t have the 12% haste buff from the hammer and still need to build up 5 holy power to be able to use the 1 fully buffed hammer of light.
so either you don’t have the 30% on the hammer but then you have the 12% hast in the burst or the other way round. This is not at all a nice tradeoff mechanic.

They could honestly remove the entire hero talent tree and restore the dragon flight s4 ret and it would be better.

I was excited by templar, until I played it.

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Well first of all, you wouldn’t go 1-4-7-10 you would go 1-6-9-10, because of your opener you would reach 9 stacks really fast since you’d get a DT judge straight after HoL, coupled with the Crusading Strikes second hit would get you to 9 in basically 2 gcds.
Then since you’re already at 9 stacks, you’d get the last stack pretty soon after that, but that last stack isn’t as relevant since you’ve already gained the majority of stacks.

Having to just spam HoL would mean delaying that by at least 1 gcd and the delay of getting Expurg up on the target because you need to be at 5 holy power.
That second HoL would kind of be ok holy power wise, but then the woes and the slowness/clunkyness would come.

Now you need to build to 5 again without a DT judge and your normal judge so you’d need to wait until your DT judge came back to press any kind of meaningful spell and it gets worse and worse.

It was really boring and I am glad it is gone.

but why would you press the single HoL at the start of the burst? then you lose 580%AP * 0.27 = 156,6% AP which is roughly 1 full Final verdict.
Hard to imagine for me that the passives from the hammer with the 12% haste and the emyrians will make up for this, but maybe they do. sims should tell.
But all this discussion is either obsolete because they saw reasons that the multi usage is “too strong / not good / whatever”. So bringing back the multi usage must imply that there are additional tunings on it. → and this is what I am arguing for! similar to:

Because you want to get your whole Hero talent tree to start rolling, it builds Crusade stacks fast and you don’t want to desync your 30 second and 1 minute cds.

As I already said, the multi usage is garbage gameplay and the whole Templar tree is not built for it and would need a complete redesign for that to be the case.

It already is properly implemented.

nothing in the hero tree is related to 30 seconds or 1 minutes so delaying hammer of light for 11 seconds is not a problem you will just not have the hero talent buffs inside the burst window therefor you can have the 30% on the hammer itself