Anyone from Darkness Rising (Cata days) still around?

So, I thought I'd look back at this realm out of curiosity and I was quite shocked to see the realm a shadow of its former self. Not just raiding performance wise but a general collapse of the population.

I'm quite curious if anyone I used to raid with is still around, I used to be apart of a guild called "Darkness Rising" back in Cataclysm not on this character but another and was curious who is still around from the old Team Jupiter & Saturn.

So I'll dump a few names here if anyone knows what happened to these people;

Yeayea, Reimei, Kank, Abdir, Armaiti and Ty,

Same, occasionally log in and stand around in Stormwind on one of my old characters that remain on the realm but I never see anybody I recognise. I see Tre Lowen are still around but don't recognise any of the other guilds.
Reimei is still around for sure.

I think I've seen Ty, but I'm not 100% sure about that. The others do not sound familiar to me.