Anyone going to try 'New World' when it comes out?

Not that I am against WoW or a fanboy of other games, just a bit bored of this expansions theme but I will most likely be back eventually. I couldn’t really get into FFXIV like many are these days so I’m taking a break with some Elder Scrolls Online and mostly enjoying it so far.

I thought New World looks pretty interesting so I’m thinking of pre-ordering it, seems like an interesting idea but not sure how it will go, I heard the only other game the Amazon studio has made died horribly so hopefully they at least learned from that.

Anyone going to give it a go?


No, not fan of the combat.


I will. I’m leveling alts in WoW until new PoE league launch and then I will start playing New World. I would love to go back to WoW some day but I’m not the wanted audience for Blizzard games anymore.


im playing a little wow, mostly transmog farming (old content) until my sub ends.

Im also playing a little FF14 and Sims 4, but what im really really excited for is to play playstation games again.


I was but I know deep down Amazon are going to monetize the hell out of it.


I don’t know to much about it, but isn’t that the game where you have to roll like dark souls to evade stuff? If so, how do they plan to combat the issue of if their servers start lagging and people die all the time due to that ?

I’m pretty sure it wont be as bad as WoW.

If there will be problem with laggs they will most likely act like Blizzard - ignore it. Amount of laggs on new World Boss is pretty funny when you remember that we pay sub fee for quality, and they have +15years of expirience in MMO development.

I’m quite optimistic if it comes to performance and server infrastructure of Amazon games, mostly because I’ve spend couple months learning AWS and getting familiar with technology they provide.

It’s amazon, you can bet it’ll be coming.


Personally waiting for Ashes of Creation, New World, presently, looks like it will flop.


I mostly play it solo for the world content but I really appreciate that game tbh. The economy is lacking tbh and this is kinda disappointing since it’s my main goal in WoW but still a fairly good experience imo

This deserves to be repeated again and again : No pre-order before you can actually get the full picture. Do you 'member CP2077 ? I 'member

Amazon killed almost all of their projects before release, and the afaik only one that survived was killed soon afterwards.

There are reports of how Amazon tries to force their own engine to promote AWS & twitch rather than going for the industry standard, which already proved to be a mistake with EA’s frostbite engine.

I’m honestly not very confident about new world. Kickstarters like Ashes of Creation appear to be much more safe than a game like new world under the whimsical leadership of Amazon

Doubt it, may change my mind once I actually see what they are selling instead of empty promises.

Yes. I purposefully ignored all beta/alpha/streamers/rumors. Don’t want to get on hype train and set myself up for disappointment.

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Mmm… tried the beta last year and wasn’t impressed but apparently it’s much better.

The art looks nice but it seems to follow MMO cliches for much of it’s settings and content.

Yup, seems way more fun than wow-this trashh wow.

Cant wait for the beta tommorow, and i will drink shampagne in 4 days when sub expires.

Even tough the game is out of my pc for like 2weeks

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Gluck bro! Betweeb ffxiv poe new world, we have a lot of fun ahead, away from blizzard plague

Disgusting pay to win model before the game even comes out.


Hell YEAH :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture:

Again… has anybody looked at FF14 store recently? :innocent: C’mon don’t play innocent now…



/10 chars

I’m going to give it a go :slight_smile:

Looks decent to me and if I dont like it theres no major problem. I’ll simply not play it.

My expectations for that game after it releases:

Mediocre overall MMO ratings, some users loving it. Majority of critics finding it average to mediocre.

Biggests backlash cash shop feature and the prizes on it.


with a cash shop and amazon behind it ? no thanks ! also the healer mechanic is horrible and I don’t like weapon based class systems in any case -

The Riot Games mmo based on League of Legends lore is the big one on the horizon, with over 100 million accounts on their games, they have something of a head start and Blizzard know all about how that can turn out. If they have a good system and no paywalls then maybe…

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