Anyone has found C'thun, Yogg-Saron or N'Zoth?

In the shadowlands.

If these old gods are actually dead, where are their soul ?

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Tentacle monsters don’t have souls, I think…

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C’thun and Yogg-saron are not dead, afaik we never destroyed them properly, we merely beat back their manifestation.

N’zoth is apparently dead proper.

However do Old Gods even have souls? They’re composed of Void in the purest sense, and are not “mortal” in the same sense as everything else, hence them having a soul seems questioable.

Herald Volazj says it best “They do not live, they do not die, they areoutside the cycle”.

I mean void forces invade the SL by merely stepping in, there’s no need for them to “cross the veil” or whatever, they simply jump through doorways as they do elsewhere. The SL is “just another realm” to them and doesn’t hold any particular significance for them.

I’d wager Light-beings are similar. Note we see no Naaru in any form of spirit in the SL either, but we do know Naaru could simply step into the SL whilst being alive with no problems as was the case in Revendreth when the Naaru invaded and smashed open the sky to create the Ember Ward. These Naaru were not dead/spirits as far as I am aware.

Shadowlands is the death realm for MORTAL SOULS ONLY.

The other entities have their own version of afterlife.

If they have one at all. I’d wager Naaru simply “return to the Light” which isn’t so much an afterlife as it is simply merging with a cosmic energy. I’d speculate void creatures do the same.

I’m not sure we can define the SL as simply for mortal souls because Loa and Ancients end up there and they are not mortal in the sense that they naturally die of old age or such, they can be destroyed however. This makes them no different to SL creatures like Kyrians however. The difference is they possess a soul, where Kyrians (properly) are a soul.

well. All we know when it comes to other beings and their afterlife, is the twisting nether.

But it has been vaguely described that they return to their source of creation.

So for a titan, that’s arcane/order. For demons of the burning legion, that’s fel. For old gods, that’s void and naru return to the light.

And in order to completely kill them, you have to destroy them in their source. Kind of like mortal souls too. Unless you kill them in shadowlands, there’s always the potential for a rebirth (at least ardenweald offers this to its members).

But i guess, we have to wait and see if they explain it in more detail later on.


It might have only been a vision -“visions of n’zoth” name of the patch.

This is true, but I don’t think even Blizzard would willingly walk into the decking they’d get for essentially a “it was all a dream” storyline after how people received their “it was about time travel” storyline (which i actually think was okay).

But “it was all a dream” has always been a contrived storytelling hack design to get people out of narrative issues. In my mind there’s no longer a need. SL has taught us the Void even pervades the realm of death (as does light) and we now know of other worlds like Fyzandi where other Old Gods have been manifest. There is no need to drag up N’zoth again as Old Gods are no longer in limited supply- they can just make one up and claim it was one of these “other ones”. Just give it an odd name with lots of apostrophes and hyphens and a Lovecraftian inspiration and job done.

Here we go: Czax-Kaloth: Scourge of Fyzandi.

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Let me get the Night Fae garden to max lvl, they’ll probably spawn there.

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“Lady Moonberry, this wildseed sprouted purple tentacles with eyeballs! Is this normal?”

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Lady Moonberry: We must be accepting of our new overl… i mean newcommers.

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Lol that would be so awkward.

In between all the deities you revive whom are all "I was the clouds and the stars and now to them I will return :slight_smile: gives 2 ore " you stumble across a "I was the ravenous maw that defiled countless planets and now I shall do so again! muahahahah gives you 2 herbs "

I wish i could snuff both of them in the bud… those rewards are insulting for my time!

Queen’s Conservatory will regularly see you sending a “deity” on their way after they’re reborn though.

That said, I google their names (had Roh Brightstar yesterday) and get nothing so…

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