Anyone out there?

Hey guys.

I usually don’t post much on the forums or reddit but i’m getting desperate lol. I’ve been looking for a guild to call home for a while now. I used to be in a semi hardcore raiding guild on azuremyst during wotlk where fun came before progress. Unfortunatly the guild died during cata and i’ve been on my own ever since with an occasional guild invite here and there.

Unlike most other players i’m not looking for a guild that does multiple raids during the week or tries to get the highest possible ilv. Neither am i looking for a guild that invites half the server to their guild. What i’m looking for is a guild that has been around for a while with members that actually know each other by name.
The reason i’m looking for a guild that has been around for a while is because i prefer to play with veteran players as they are more invested into this game and wont just leave when they get bored never to be heard from again.

I want to have that feeling of coming home to a group of close friends when i’m logging on. While raiding and doing m+ is fun its not the main thing i’m looking for. I hope theres still a guild out there reading this that can understand what i’m looking for.

Server transfering is not an issue for me. And i should probably point out that i play horde on EU realms.

Cheers, Vaz.


Hi there,
I am part of a great guild called “all desire”, we are a group of like minded people who like a bit of banter, but also progress as far as we can. I only joined a few months ago but I can tell you that without them I wouldn’t have nearly as much fun as I am having now.
If you still have questions you should probably contact Lepanto, one of our officers.


Yo mate! Glad Kuro could read your thread.

We are, by far, the best looking guild EU. This is a claim no other guild can make. Didn’t clear Mythic EP because Queen Azahara went on a maternity leave the moment we set foot in EP, such are our great looks.

As a guild we have a ton of stuff on calendar and are both tight knit and welcoming to new members.

So perhaps, if you want, we’d love to invite you to our madness. Can roll an alt if you want to get the feel of our gchat and discord before you transfer too.

Best of luck and hope you have A TON of fun


Thank you both for the reply!! I will see if i can catch you online when i log on later :smiley: .


I’m personally away til Wednesday evening (business trip) so I may be hard to reach til then. However, feel free to add me Lepanto#2853.

Also we always blame hunters for everything but that’s only an issue if you’re one … Oh wait…


Hey there :slight_smile:

As a long term player, I understand completely what you are referring too.
Having a guild of friends makes the game more wholesome. Whether it’s to relax, raid or just socialise.

We may be able to offer you just that :slight_smile:
If you fancy a chat add me on Alpha#2296


Sorry to jump on to this post but i’m in exactly the same boat as Vazterial and would love to find a decent guild with decent people .

Would you guys over at All Desire extend a guild invite for an old WoW veteran like myself ?


We’d love to have you onboard mate.

Us good looking people must stick together. It’s like a safe circle!


Nice one mate !

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Not sure if you’d like to join a more social-oriented community but our guild ‘Rekindled’ is open. [H][Ravenholdt] <Rekindled>, a WoW based community. Our door is always open . Our main goal is to provide a cosy space for anyone wanting to seek a place which they can call their home. We also run some organised events (we raid once a week, working our way up through BfA content), mog runs etc. Everything is no pressure as for us the most important thing is to have good time with people enjoying the game.

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Hi, I have been struggling to find a guild as a fairly new player (first 120 char during 8.2). My first raid was Eternal Palace, we cleared HC fully with my old guild, but the guild fell apart and I quit until 2 weeks ago. I love grinding m+ and raiding. I have a ton of time. I’m still learning how to play with my main fury warrior, but I’m very passionate about going all in with ilvl grind and focus on improving if I find a guild that I can progress with. I hope you are still recruiting!

P.S Realm change is not a problem.

Hi mate!!! Wohaaaa! Old post!!!

We’d be very happy to have you join us if you’re up for it. If you want to create an alt 1st on our realm to test drive us go right ahead and give us a shout whenever.

We’ve been busier than ever and we are slowly becoming quite a rarity of a guild. We have up to 60+ people online at times. Go figure :slight_smile:

We have to field two HC raids at the same time when we raid HC and sadly have to rotate people on Mythic nights, but we try to be fair on those too.

Hey mate; I was wondering if I could take you up on that offer too?

I have a… different situation (only slightly) in that I’m a returning Alliance player; I quit the game after Legion and have dabbled into BFA a couple of times, but my old group of friends have long since left for greener pastures, as it were.

I don’t want to race-change or anything like that (sentimental value) but I was thinking of getting a fresh start with a Horde character, given the current +100% exp event going on.

I’ve been pondering what server to put said character on, and your guild sounds enticing, I won’t lie (I’ve never really been in massive guilds before.)

I’ve never raided before, and I only truly started playing for reals in Legion, so I’m ‘kinda’ new (I played for most of Legion, so that’s only partially true, but still, you get what I mean) and will need some tips along the way, since I’ve never played Horde before, and I’ve certainly never tried to actually go for endgame-viable raiding.

Sorry if this is rambly (tends to happen at 3am lol) but I hope to hear back from ya’; I sent a BNet friend request if you want to talk more or something.

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Please do. Happy to have you onboard mate.

Please do note CoA isn’t the most populous server out there. We’re in theory a medium sized one. AH is decent but not increible, and as far as endgame goes we’re a really long shot from Draenor and the such.

However as a guild we are rather unique and a lot of fun, so there’s that, and our numbers are pretty impressive, sometimes our members, specially newer ones, refer to us as a Wotlk guild.

I never expected Draenor-levels of endgame haha.

I’m just mostly after a chill community I can get along with who can help me here and there with getting back into the game (I have tried to get into BFA before, but I’ve always ended up quitting again as said, because there wasn’t anybody to play with for me.)

Regardless, I’ve rolled up a (multiple; trying to wrap my head around BFA’s class changes still lol) Horde alt on CoA, and I’ve sent you a friend request on BNet (I’m Airwolf there).

Awesome. Saw and accepted your friend request! See you in-game soon I hope!