Anyone played WoW:Project Ascension yet & if so what's it like playing it

In case you haven’t seen it yet a new version of has been released that doesn’t seem to be made by Blizzard that let’s you play the TBC version of WoW but without any classes, which also let’s you pick what abilities and talents your character(s) has/have and which also has some unique events in it that are not in WoW:TBC. WoW

Has anyone played this version of WoW yet & if so what do you think of it?

It’s an illegal private server, not something you should be discussing on the official WoW forums.


Isn’t it a meme/very low quality rated even among private server community?


Really?!? Damn i never even suspected it was illegal because there was there are ads and videos all about it on youtube & there’s even an official looking website about it. What’s next gangsters paying youtube for ads about where to buy illegal drugs & real guns from them?

Just because something’s on the internet (youtube included) doesn’t make it legal. Just because it has a website, doesn’t make it legal, either.

The only WoW that is legal is what Blizzard makes: Retail and Classic. Private servers aren’t legal in any shape or form.

I am sorry but you are the type of person I can see being scammed out of everything, a website and youtube videos doesn’t make something official.

As others have stated the Ascension project is an illegal private server it has popped up several times on my Facebook feed and I know that it has had at least one domain name taken down but it has moved domains since. The best thing to do is report it to Blizzard the domain and where you have seen the adverts to and do not enter any information into them or anything to do with your bank details.

Technically based on country it’s not illegal to run a server. What can be against the law is sharing Blizzard IP. Newer expansions/clients do that more so and are quite often easier to take down than old expansion servers. Project name does not infringes any copyright law related to Blizzard so that should not be an issue.

As for the project itself. There are some “reviews” on YT showcasing how broken and cashgrab that project is :wink:

You mean a criminal fraud setup begs the question if they set it up to phish for credit card details. Not the first time that’s happened.

External known and credible payment systems aren’t used for stealing credit card details. Majority of private servers is driven by payments one way or another, some for many years and still going strong. Some time ago I saw a showcase video of a Portuguese MoP-alike private server that actually went with own content after MoP (and had allied races, demon hunters and whatnot…) and within that Portuguese community it was big, but unknown to English speaking audience.

Legitimate payment systems or not you still have no idea where the money is going and there for it is still classed as a potential criminal activity. I have a hard time understanding just because the money is processed securely which means it is being spent by those who earned it and I say that loosely for the purpose it was intended. One could also argue that such an operation could be a way to wash money in the digital sense of it so really regardless of legitimate secure payment processing none of us knows what actually happens to that money once it leaves our hands.

I do not buy that idea because the very act of setting up a private server is still wholly illegal!

Well thank you all for telling me all i need to know about it & private servers. I’ll ignore anything to do with them & not join any WoW private servers

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