Anyone stuck in queue?

Lol you’re directing that at me? You complained about his answer and i simply provided you with a probable reason as to why.

And to be honest, no I wouldn’t start a new topic without at least trying to find existing threads about it.
Obviously you are very well entitled to do so, but, honestly, you do have to expect those kind of comments, and to be fair it wasn’t even that bad imho.

Litereally everyone who’s on the forums is most likely stuck in the queue.

Works on my machine :wink:

People grow up please, ty.


Mine has just reduced by a further 12 minutes with only a further 6 real life minutes passing. Seems to update every 6 minutes.

EDIT: Logged me in 2 minutes after posting this comment.

Wow i like you!

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That’s the spirit ! :slight_smile:

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im on playing now

Mine went from 120 minutes to 300 minutes.
All i want is to play Hearthstone. I guess this is my punishment for refunding Refundlands

Can’t you get into hearthstone via the Hearthstone.exe file?

That does not work

Addiction is a term used right next to denying you have any of it.

Thank thrall I played this morning. This sucks big time for you guys :frowning:

Oh that sucks. I feel for ya. Blame all us wowplayers :smile:

I just hope I can log in and download the damn thing during nighttime when my data cap doesn’t apply so I can play tomorrow. Also, if I were in the mood to play Classic, I’d be pissed about not being able to do that due to an update in retail. Unless you can still play Classic in “Offline Mode”.

Yep, and I can’t even start the game manually for some reason(aka without the launcher).

Aewsome idea.

Sadly it does not trigger authenticator :frowning:

But awsome idea.

It triggers the authenticator for me, so I’m still stuck.

I would have been on classic yes, but yes, retail blocks me from it.

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