Hi guys,
I just hit 631 ilevel without any real hard content and playing a few hours a week.
I feel the gear journay is soon over since max ilevel is 639 and I feel the seasons just started?
Where is the feeling of MMO with slow progress?
Please tune down the gearting speed in future expansions, the community is behind me on this one - we want an MMO back.
Hi guys,
I just hit 631 ilevel without any real hard content and playing a few hours a week.
I feel the gear journay is soon over since max ilevel is 639 and I feel the seasons just started?
Where is the feeling of MMO with slow progress?
Please tune down the gearting speed in future expansions, the community is behind me on this one - we want an MMO back.
You do know we can check your profile?
4/8 Mythic
all +12 keys…
“I pLaY wItHoUt, dOiNg HaRd CoNtEnT”
EDIT: your the 606th best mage in the world…. 9th on your realm….
How dare you show up a narcissist.
Key phrase for the weekend Troll.
Here have a gold star. {star}
They are no longer «the best mage in the world»???
631 ilvl and top 600 in world What a troll.
I think it’s time to quit.
I think they could implement a feature that uses AI to spot humble brags on the Forums and blocks them from getting Upgrades for the first month of every season.
Or maybe a system like Golf Handicap, that reduces drops depending on how quickly you geared in the previous season.
I think the OP would love this type of feature given their post.
Why not 632?
Are you even trying?
I have to agree with that, Classic gearing is preferble.
261 ranking now. I’m guessing OP hasn’t been outside since launch. I wish I had as much time to play
Nope. Swing & a miss.
Your profile tells a different story.
And then there’s this.
no - and don’t lie about not doing hardcore stuff u did so many +12’s
How in the actual?
I’m 621 and i’ve ben really lucky in the vault & HC raid.
How does one get 631?
Edit: guess i fell for the troll bait… sorry
I agree I’ve just hit 608 on my main XD
Its the weekend.
P. S. I’m also gold capped.
If you are bored because of the gearing then maybe work a little on your achievements?
Your book of achievements leaves alot to be desired.
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