Anyway to add a cooldown to a macro please

I now this is a L2P issue but I’d like to adjust the macro to stop me spamming Ravager - something like a 2-3 second delay after the first use (its got 2 charges)

#showtooltip [mod:alt,@player] Ravager; Revenge
/use Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
/use Fireblood
/cast [mod:alt,@player] Ravager
/cast Revenge
/cast Shield Block

You could do a castsequence but the only way that’ll work is if you don’t press the button for x seconds.

#showtooltip [mod:alt,@player] Ravager; Revenge
/use Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
/use Fireblood
/castsequence [mod:alt,@player] reset=1 Ravager,0; Revenge
/cast Shield Block

And it depends how the sequence plays with the charges. It might try to burn both charges before moving on to 0

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Hi, this seems to work great on target dummies, will test it out in dungeons and report back.

Thank you very much

Edit: Works great in m+ thank you

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