Looking for a guild that is still actively raiding and in need of a healer. I can be relatively flexible with raid times although something starting after 7.30pm GMT would be ideal and fit in with my pesky daughter’s sleeping patterns. I would favour a two day raid week with Tues/Thurs as one of the raid days, and ideally not a Wednesday. (Not a deal breaker though)
I hit AOTC on a Prevoker in May, but am looking for a change. I am happy to play any other healer ( Shaman/Priest/Druid/MW/Paladin) although I would probably favour Shaman or Druid and will try and gear these first.
(I can provide Heroic logs if that is something you want to see.)
I have been healing since Burning Crusade and played mainly as a Disc Priest since Cataclysm in Mythic (or the equivalent). However, I have played all healers at various points throughout the last few expansions.
Whilst previously I have done Mythic raiding, this time around I would prefer to stick to an AOTC focused group. This would also better suit the amount of time I can realistically devote to playing nowadays.
If you do not mind playing something else then a paladin - shaman, mw or a druid - then we would gladly welcome you.
We have not achieved AotC yet, but are getting to the last boss with some tries on it. After AotC and if the roster allows, we will try to ventur into early mythic, but right now it is more of a dream in distant future :D.
We are mature, casual group, with understanding that life happens, even during raid time when you have to bail cause of family.
We raid Thursday/Monday from 21 to 00 server time. Don’t require you to transfer as we have a community as well which allows signups for raids in the ingame calendar. Also we offer people to tag along on a raidnight or 2 without any strings attached to see what we are about before making a decision.
Anyhow will not pester you with my friend invite in discord, but if we are something which could interest you, add me on discord mari.s
offer still stands - message me on discord, happy for you to join us on Wednesday for reclear of Heroic - my discord name is in the post above senceii or senceii#3541
Hi Adé, have you found a guild yet? If not have a look at Hesperus. We are a new HC raiding and m+ guild. Sounds like we might be a good fit. Our raid nights are Thursday and Monday and, since I am raidleader and I have kids myself, we don’t start until 19:45 (in the UK). We’re laid back but we like to kill bosses and inprove our chars. People get together every night and run m+. If you want to chat more, contact me on discord (gordzgrey) or Bnet (Turan#2958). Hope you find a guild soon