AOTC: N'zoth

EDIT: I did get AOTC, so this post is now irrelevant!

How can you even get into those kind of grps?, as 99% of the leaders of those groups in the LFM Tool requires AOTC to join.

And from the most of the guilds ive seen on Tarren mill already have their guild HC Team ready and don’t need any more peoples.

I’m getting anxious about the Mount, kinda fearing that i wont be able to get it.

I’ve gotten the previous AOTC achievements from MoP - Legion.
But times were easier back then i feel like, these days its way more Strict.

How would you recommend one to get AOTC?, the mount is all i care for.
Is there any kind soul out there that honestly could help with a kill?.

I know the tacts for N’zoth, but that means nothing unless you have the achievement already as proof to get into those raid groups.

Can play both Alliance & Horde

Form your own group?


Trust me i would, but Prophet Skitra a boss i dont even need seems complicated to lead a group for.

Raid been out a month and there is atleast 8 months still to go dont stress it .


Better get it early to wait til the last moment.

I am not sure this is a new problem, since the dawn of achievements this has been a regular complaint.

We will have this patch for the longest time until Shadowlands is released, I am sure you will manage to get AotC before the deadline passes. As people have higher cloaks and finally get some useful corruptions all the fights will just become easier and easier.

As others have suggested, sometimes the only way to get it done is to lead your own group. Not everyone likes to do that, I can understand. Others find joining earlier on and staying to the end is the way forward.


Then look for a guild or community or buy it but you are worrying about nothing or lead your own group and make discord a must to join.


That’s also a very good point, I clearly need more coffee!

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I mentioned that the Guild issue is a no go in my post.

I did look for a community / discord.

And once again Skitra is the only thing in the way for leading a HC grp, a boss i dont even need.

PS: i did ask the Raid leader of Method through Mail, as Sco suggested me to contact, and they wont start boost til 3 weeks from now and he said it would cost 10M for AOTC: N’zoth.

Boosts for curve are 500.000 on most servers already 10million will be for CE and mount

Your item level maybe a problem for some guilds raiding herioc as its 447 .
You need to lead a raid yourself or do whats been suggested join guild/community i refuse to belief that there are set rostas for herioc when its made for 10 to 30 players.


IMO this is just looking for excuses. Leading Skitra in a pug is easy:

  • one tank marks all adds
  • other tank writes color of the correct add in the chat
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It’s from what i’ve been seeing.

I think at this moment you are trolling me i have offered advice with you coming back with poor excuses and even untruths about Curve costing 10million sorry im done answering .

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See it as a excuse if you’d like, you do you.

Trolling?, i’ve stated the issues, you trying to counter my issues, then calling me a troll?, wtf why did you even comment in the first place?, it may sound easy to you but come one, and the untruth about Curve costing 10M?, want proof of the raid leader’s text in the Mail ?, im sure i could show it through Imgur.

PROOF that he wanted around 10M Gold
imgur. com/a/IwsOqHm

Remove the space

They are issues that can be solved in multiple ways, but you refuse to even consider them. So the problem is you. Deal with it how you like, I don’t think anyone else cares.

So it would seem.

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If Method a top ranked guild are selling Curve for 10 million when others are selling at 500k they must be in awful debt and nobody going to paye that.
I suggest that the 10million is for CE and mount which is different.

You have been giving lots of advice by me and others and making excuse after excuse .

Aha, so im still lying about the Cost?, yeah " Untruth " As you stated.

And I get where you and them are both coming from.
I’ve had a somewhat similar situation in early BfA where I had to run a mythic dungeon to finish one of the alliance’s main storylines. Something which I thought was just unacceptable.
I hate mythic content and I don’t want to do it. And I got told many times ‘just run the dungeon, it’s not hard etc’ and that might be true but to me it was a matter of principle. I think your situation in that regard is a bit similar.

Unfortunately (like my problem was) it’s a self inflicted problem.

The mount only drops from Mythic, which is why it’ll cost 10 Million

edit: My mistake, you’re after the Drake from the quest.
That’s Heroic too.