My girlfriend and i are looking for a guild to do raids and mythic+ with.
She offers a Markmanship Hunter with an item level of 223.
I, myself offering;
Mistweaver at 234 item level.
Holy Paladin which i’m currently leveling, shouldnt take too long.
Disc Priest, but need to level and learn it, but willing to.
I’m planning to play a Shaman in the future, but only if Blizzard let me be a regular Human Shaman.
I have to admit i’m fairly new to raid healing, i did heal dungeons, mostly normals/heroic.
Maybe you can have a look at Synfull on Dragonblight-EU. We currently have a progression-team, and a normal team. If we’re not raiding, we’re usually doing a couple of M+ keys. Main thing is that you need to enjoy yourself, and can ask anyone for help on improving your char and spec.
Please have a look at our recruitment post, and feel free to add me on battlenet if you would like to have a chat !
Hey mate, I know you said you are on Outland, but if you are okay with checking out Silvermoon, I have a guild that needs healer and a dps for the raids. If you are interested we can have a chat if you want and can ask me all the questions you would want. My btag is Trivium#2485