Apology thread to one random hunter blood elf in vol'dun

If they had warmode on, they deserve it, I don’t care.

I always feel bad when I kill blood elves too.

Glory to the sin’dorei!

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We are not evil, we are just misunderstood… sorta… ok we are morally grey… ok dark grey… very dark grey.

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Warmode is there for players to PvP, not so you can pat and blow kisses at the opposite faction.

Obviously. You still do killing and need to do killing in warmode because its meant for that but there are occasions where you want to avoid one or two people because they are in it for the buffs and dont want to fight back.

Hehe, aww, poor guy. It’ll be okay.

Well, it’s good that you feel bad, but at least it was for a quest, the worst is people who just gank for no reason other than sadism. I’ve had reason to do jump people for quests too and never feels great.

PvP should just be where people want to PvP. Remove the war mode bonus so only people who actually like that sort of thing use it. It annoys non-PvPers to be ganked and it annoys PvPers when others are just hanging around not helping in fights because they’re just there to do the quests.

i know, worst part could be that the hunter belf is seeking for revenge in some sort, but its just a guess.

Like yeah, people say that pvp is a tresh hold of gaining rewards while trying to avoid death, in a sense it makes sense because pvp is filled with blood thirsty people who probably have played gta 5 online in their life (and trust me, that game has more tryhards then anything in this universe) .

People find enjoyment in different things and some people like ganking because they feel superior while the opponent is weaker then them.

But in my own opinion on this matter is that, if you see person just questing, i think its good idea to leave them be unless they are strong as you or near that.

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Ohh, she most definitely is seeking revenge! Killing low-geared worgens when she gets the chance and sniping low level alliance players when ever she sees one.

But in all seriousness, dude, don’t feel bad. We have all been ganked one time or another. It’s a part of the game and a big reason why the game is fun. She most likely forgot about you a few minutes after she re-spawned.


Unless she’s like me and has an addon to track gankers and holds a grudge… For example, when people gank my alts while I level I log one of my 120s and corpse camp them. Oh and if you try to gank my main I will use the various tools at the disposal of a protection paladin to waste your time.

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Dude, there is no reason to torture the poor guy…

Though, it doesn’t sound like she is the type of player who would have addons like that.

Last I heard she uninstalled the game, shaved her head, and carved “I hate evilmendur” on her arm with a knife.
She was once a happy girl, full of hopes and dreams, but now she’s just bitter and full of resentment, afraid to leave the house in fear of being ganked.
How could you do this to a person who only wanted to enjoy their time levelling in WoW and laughing with her friends.
I hope your apology reaches her so maybe one day she can get back on her feet.


You’re a bloody wolf. You’re supposed to hunt down prey who try to flee and feast on their corpse for those sweet, sweet Conquest points!

It’s time to act like one >:)

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this made me laugh more then it should.

aren’t pandas the most peaceful of all races?
how can anybody be soo blood thirsty behind all that panda fluff.

Appearances can be deceiving.

I got expelled from Pandaria for accidentally setting a bamboo forest on fire when I was a cub. :confused:
But then I saved them from the Black Empire - so who’s laughing now?!

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this is oftopic but i saw one video about madam goya and there is A Steamy Romance Novel called hot and misty and there is a verse in it that describe pandaren.
“Madam Goya: the pleasure is all mine.” She dipped a polite bow; Marcus felt a sudden warmth as he was reminded of why the term Bouncy was often used to describe the pandaren"

Obviously a born troublemaker!


Back when I was a cub she was quite beautiful, they all told me.

But today… I’m uncomfortable with that. :confused: Pls delete

It was an accident, I swear! D:

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