There is no shelter for those who oppose the imperium of Man.
i am a damn werewolf who has mixed feelings.
sounds like furry s*** but vulperas are holding that spot.
Hugs his R4 Blood of the Enemy
Oh please! The world (of warcraft) is a cold, harsh place
That nasty Blood Elf would have done the same
And probably would corpse camp you
While tea-bagging or dancing on you
Don’t feel bad
Here, have a 'lock-cookie…
No that only really applies to Blood elves, and to a lesser extent undead, orcs or Vulperas
I’ll always feel aa little bad killing taurens or trolls. But hey, gotta keep the Alliance and Warmode alive, you’re doing them a service when you engage in oh so rare wPvP! Seeing the confused reaction of so many Horde players it’s like they haven’t ever seen an Alliance player in the wild…
Thats it!
Duel at dawn, sir!
That’s the main reason I don’t PVP.
Too many bad experiences, that don’t compensate for the handful of good ones you get.
If you get ganked you feel frustrated and angered.
If you kill someone that was too weak to even put up a fight you feel bad about yourself.
Hated the fact that in order to do your war campaign which is necessary for a lot of things including path finder you jave to risk being PVP flagged because some NPCs roaming around are PVP flagged.
Blizzard love this, apparently.
They tried to shoehorn this exact stunt on Legion by putting some crafting recipes in the Underbelly a PVP area.
I made sure to give my “best” thanks as possible.
- 0 Warmode time.
- 0 BGs done.
- 0 PVP done.
Coming from a player that was rank 11 during vanilla.
The story itself made me sick.
All because of glorious battles between the Horde and the Alliance that the servers could never handle.
Examples: Ashran.
When someone doesn’t fight I never attack him.
Had a human rogue /waving at my BE paladin in AB LM.
I /wave at him, since we were winning and the game was almost over.
Sadly the Forsaken caster that was with me wasn’t as merciful as I was and she killed him.
That’s why I only PVE.
well you can’t tell what that belf would have done,
75% of belfs are evil and rest 25% is good.
i know because i have talked to belfs before.7
world pvp is pretty safe for horde and it makes them too passive but, dont judge the book by its cover, unless its a forsaken, than you can drop a nuke.
Horde are for killin.
Yes, thats actually true
And those are called Void Elves
really desperate.
this female blood elf probably doesn’t give a f today what happend there
its kinda who knows.
You remind me of that dude at Blizzcon that wen’t up during the QA and apologized for people flaming Diablo Immortal.
Actually… what happened to that game? Did they ever make it?
I love you man. Alliance forever.
well i don’t know the benefits at lying at this point, so yes.
also the game seems to be in work in progress still.
Man, I love crack.
Fair enough, sorry.
Just… imagine for a moment being a PvP’er and reading this.
When in War Mode, I attack everyone I see, unless its a group if 3 or more. If they gargle orcish or emotes it just makes it more fun.
Like my Wotlk Paladin from a decade ago, in Northrend alone has over done 2k ganks. For me it’s just weird and bizarre to feel regret and remorse over killing another player when both have PvP enabled.
i get that, im mostly a pve’r but i do pvp sometimes like bgs, arenas and nazjatar (that place is a damn fight for your death).
I feel remorse for people who deserve remorse, like if you are just minding your own business and dont want to fight than i get that, ill just find somebody else.
If it’s red, it’s DEAD
Why? Why you apologising? It’s Warmode for a reason.
well everybody has different motives and ideas.
i just want to break that mold.
it is warmode but this person literally didn’t deserve it.