Apology to PVPers

I can see why people on arenas can be mad, but it’s not your fault. It’s the design problem. I recommend you to not do this, because they boosted the amount of tokens we get, and after collecting 100 tokens, you can literally spam classic timewalking for 2 tokens each dung. So you will have to complete only 5 dungs rather than something that you don’t like or u’re not good at it yet :upside_down_face:

Daaamn, I didn’t know that! Abandoning the quest! My man, MVP <3

It is a fault of Blizzard for incentivizing PvErs into PvP content.

Here is an easy fix:
Instead of a weekly that is either PvE or PvP, how about making a mutually exclusive choice between a PVE quest, a PvP quest or a Pet Battle quest. This way each group of people gets to do the content that they are the most comfortable with


Don’t think it should be something you have to apologise for.
If anything skrims should be a place for people wanting to learn/are new to PvP.
If they put a non-PvP reward in for completing the quest, that’s no fault of the player. Just sucks it’ll be a pretty terrible experience.

jesus…there are so many tokens with PVP.

Just be a good bait, stall as much as you can, press all your defensives and use all your teleports/gateways. If you expect to get carried without doing anything it will be extremely time wasting for you as well.

I dont normally do anything outside of pvp but now Im doing dailies and stuff that give bronze bits so I can buy the warlock and rogue set with 120 bronzes at some point. Quite happy they have given something gained from pvp aswell, its certainly good to see they are giving something for pvp aswell that can be put to use outside of it in the mmo as whole that is :smiley:

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The T2 sets? You only need…uhm…90? Tokens. 60 the first and the seconed one get’s discounted, I think to 30. the 3rd one get’s another discount i think.


Nice, I welcome discounts :+1:

100 for the first two. 120 for 3 sets.

Same as the PVE scum in AV. I was literally the only one with PVP gear today. Everyone else had 3 million less HP.

And as of the 3rd all others stick with 20 Tokens, right?


Dont call us scum. Better complain to blizzy that they need to stop putting pve stuff into pvp

So in your eyes someone saying “I don’t care about you I will keep ruining your gameplay to obtain my prize because I’m selfish” is a decent person…interesting… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If he was a “decent person” he wouldn’t ruin people’s experience to begin with, just my opinion.

It’s not very fair to expect people to go out and participate in a massive amount of content, they do not enjoy doing or wish to participate in. Just so they can gain the neccesary gear needed, so they can participate in a Weekly quest that comes up once in a blue moon.

But PVPers can easily go out and do the PVE weekly quests wearing their PVP Gear, without needing to do several delves or raids first to get proper PVE gear.

And this whole issue could easily be fixed, if Blizzard just implemented some proper PVP brackets, so a player with 590 PVE gear, isn’t matched up against someone wearing 630 PVP items. Or better yet, add scaled Battlegrounds, where everyone just gets scaled to 630. No gear needed, just skills.

You think that’s bad? I have 632 PvP ilvl, nearly 90 Honor level and I get stomped by ilvl570 PvE peeps in PvP.

You are free to queue skirmish in PvE gear, and I am free to leave that match

The thing is they don’t “need” that weekly quest, there are other sources to get the tokens and there is plenty of time to get everything before the event finishes even if you skip all pvp quests.

So again, what a “decent person” would do is stick to their thing and don’t ruin other’s experience for a few miserable tokens. And this goes both ways, I wouldn’t want PvP-only players joining heroic raids or m+ if they were required for the quest.

So you split even more the PvP playerbase into another game mode and then you also kill the RPG aspect of the game by removing gear improvement.

And the prize for the worst idea of the year goes to… KARAZH! :joy:

At this point I need the quest for the Honor it gives me, so I can get PVP gear to do it easier next time it pops up. And how do we get honor? We participate ungeared in PVP till we earned enough honor. But by the time it pop up again, there might be a new season, and I need a new set of PVP gear, so we’re back to square one. Ungeared PVP.

And losing in Arena gives like 50-100 honor, so that’s just 5 matches for a single piece of the cheapest gear.

Playing arenas is the worst and slowest possible way to get pvp gear, you have to play epic battlegrounds.

In arenas you have very low chances of winning without pvp gear because the outcome depends heavily on you, meanwhile on epic battlegrounds it’s more a team game so whoever does play the “macro” better wins, gear is almost irrelevant.

You can get 1300+ honor from a good battleground and it’s basically a 50-50 chance to win. So no, arenas are not good for gearing and you shouldn’t be torturing pvp players for a few tokens when you have other means to earn them.