Natural immunity is stronger than fake immunity (vac), 6 months also depends on person, it is a random time period told people for it to be easily memorized.
I personally will never get the vac, if I was 60 years old I would get it. By the way I used to have chronic shortness of breath pre covid, after covid infection my lungs fixed themselves magically after 5 years of chronic breathing problem. Perhaps it triggered some part of immunity that was not working pre-infection.
It might sound a little bit weird but I like the virus, since virus my life has been much better. Whatever, I want to slaughter some people in arena now
i dunno if i was lucky, or if i just got a strong immune system to fight it… but all in all the whole ordeal was hardly worse than a common cold for me.
besides being a lil bit more tired than usual… but i work twelve hour days starting at 4am … so im used to tired anyway.
my cough stayed for about a month after i recovered… but its the same for me with colds too …
i can vouch for the smoker thing … my brother caught it from me … and he is a heavy smoker… he basically had a very mild cold and nothing else didnt even loose his taste.
The body stops producing antibodies once the threat is over but can pick it up again at anytime.
Antibodies doesn’t block the virus from entering your body but attacks it once you’re already infected and defeats it before any symptoms or damage is done.
Good thing from natural immunity you get from already having it is that the body remembers and will now produce antibodies on its own as soon as the infection enters the body.
So good news is that the next time around is practically guaranteed to be much less severe than whatever previous reaction you had ^^
Sorry to hear about what you’ve been going through, Halicos. No doubt this will resonate with many others as well and it’s great to see you taking responsibility for your past actions while trying to improve.
We’ll close the thread here since it’s gone off the rails a bit, but hopefully you can still mend the affected relationships over time.
Thanks all, and remember: You never know what someone is going through, so be kind.