About 2 weeks ago the WoW APIs were limited so that range cannot be determined while the player is in combat.
This was done in order to prevent some WeakAuras/Addons from trivializing PVE encounters from the new raid, as far as I could google.
However, as a side effect, this broke a lot of other functionality as well, including addons that I’ve used for more than 10 years to make the game more accessible and help me better determine what skills I can use, how far enemies are from me, what abilities they can use and what I can use from said range.
Please reconsider this change. It’s very disruptive. Could you please apply said limitations in raids only, or something else that makes sense?
From what I could understand, there was a raid encounter where the distance between you and other players was important, so that’s why they did it. But not completely sure.