Appreciate advice on a new pre built gaming pc make

Would appreciate some advice as my custom pc is tired and time to look around for something new.

I was debating whether to get another custom build but the components are looking pricy or go with a pre built gaming pc. Several pre built makes are mentioned in the top 10 of 2024 to date and vary depending on who sponsor them!

Can anyone recommend a decent make to look at - seen the likes of Alienware, Stormforce, Cyberpower and a few others with mixed reviews. I’m in the UK, in case that narrow options.

Totally get its what I can afford, what I’m going to do with it, quiet fan etc but if I see a consensus on a particular make, can then do some research on it and take it from there.

Cheers :+1:

As your in the the UK it might be worth looking at CCL if you don’t know of them. I’ve used these guys for years and can highly recommend. They do prebuilt and custom builds but with out all the bloat/spyware of a named manufaturer like Dell/Alienware etc. Usually come with a 3-year+ warranty and in home repairs (where possible) if something goes wrong.


Ooh thankyou, yes I have heard of them and will go take a look :+1:

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Like Ráevelyn wrote, I’d side-step “brand name” pre-built gaming computers and instead find a place that lets you configure your PC and they’ll build it for you. I’m not in the UK, but the company Ráevelyn recommended offers this service and prices look fine.

You’ll want to research components, look up benchmarks (based on what you play), consider future upgrades (e.g. you may want a beefier power supply so you have some room in case you upgrade the video card later on and the new card draws more power). In spite of its name (it’s intended to be tongue-in-cheek), the r/pcmasterrace subreddit on Reddit is a great resource, and they have a frequently updated site with suggested builds also:

Another thing to consider is power consumption. With energy costs going up, that is an aspect that I didn’t take into account before my recent build/upgrade. Like you, I value a quiet PC, so I spent extra on sound-insulated and roomy case and components from “beQuiet” (the case fans, the CPU fan, the PSU, and the case itself. I also paid extra for a premium model of a video card because it runs quieter than the “base” models even though the performance is the same.

The issue with “off the shelf” pre-built machines is that you have no control over what goes in there and that it’s not always the best components (quality-wise). These computers always LOOK great, with a ton of LEDs (which I actually avoid, but it’s a matter of preference), but you pay extra for the brand name. Another frequent issue is upgradability or the lack there of. Extra space in the case is nice, as is a beefy quality PSU, extra power connectors, support for more RAM than you currently may need, etc. I also like being able to pick the video card manufacturer, because not all manufacturer variants of the same model are equal (especially when it comes to cooling and noise levels).

I’d ignore any “top 10” lists and such for brands. A lot of this stuff is sponsored, like you noted.

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Thank you for your guidance, I will most certainly take a look at the site you recommended. Definitely pays to be treading carefully with my next pc and future proofing it for upgrades :+1:

Go cheap;

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