Appreciation šŸŒŗ

Today is a wonderful day. I feel content and satisfied with the preparations for tomorrow, when the raid opens. Whilst sitting here picking herbā€™s, listening to 80ā€™s rock and speaking to a former guildie - we pick up the subject ā€˜ā€™ our first RP experiencesā€™ā€™ because they are new to the concept of roleplay.

I remember you then my gnome friend; The first time I put my two pixel feets in the wonderful and curious world of AD roleplay, specifically Stormwind. What is now Lions rest if Iā€™m not mistaken.
I played a kalā€™dorei as my first character. A kalā€™dorei that has an interest in smithing.
I had no idea what to expect or do other than the basic advice in the forum.
Now is the time to put this to practice!

A gnome, a wizard of some sort I believeā€¦ with a coat? Perhaps chestnut colored hair. Who knowsā€¦ maybe you even had a hat. The details Iā€™m not certain of after all these years. I regrettably do not remember your name but what I do remember is the amazement I felt over how friendly and welcoming people were. How very helpful you were, by poking me in whispers and telling me things I was completely oblivious to. Without you, it would take me an eternity to know about the TRP addon for example.

Iā€™m most grateful for this memory, itā€™s one that has stayed with me and made me smile on more than one occasion. And by the Light, they have piled up over the years.

So, I wish to take a moment to appreciate you, who help our new roleplayers along their roleplay journey here on AD.

Thank you!

  • Remember to be kind to one another.

I remember when I first dipped my toes into AD early on in BFA, a Forsaken mage spent an hour doing casual RP with me in Orgrimmar, and sent me on my way with 10.000 gold and some great advice on what addons to get. This was on a measly level 20 warrior character too. I donā€™t remember their name, but I do remember that they were in the Rotgarde. Iā€™ve been meaning to track them down, but none of the names on their current guild roster really ring a bell.


Was it Hungero?

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It was not, though Hungaro is awesome too. It was something that sounded like a RL English last name. I want to say it began with an M, but that might just be my mind playing tricks on me.

That sounds like a fond memory indeed, and very generous from your forsaken friend. Iā€™m glad to hear of it, thank you for placing it here


Itā€™s been a long while for me, back in vanilla on the Earthen Ring server, so my recollection is a bit fuzzy on the details.

I was leveling my Night Elf Warrior in Westfall (my first character hadnā€™t even reached 60 yet).
I canā€™t really remember how I ended up in Westfall as a Night Elf, but anyway.

I ran into a Gnome there and somehow weā€™ve gotten talking ICly.
We started walking, and kept on walking while having my first IC conversation. All the way from Westfall to Stormwind, through the Deeprun Tram, Dun Morogh and the Wetlands.

There we took the boat to Dustwallow Marsh, had a dangerous run towards the Barrens (we were like level 15), and eventually ended up in Darkshore.
Where we found out about the boat that went directly there.

The entire time we kept IC, talking about the scenery we encountered, the enemies we evaded, our backgrounds, etc.

It really was an amazing adventure for someone who had never roleplayed before that day, and I really wish I could remember who that person was so that I could give him my thanks for such an awesome introduction.


I was sort of RPing since WoD, but it was getting approached on Sathrynn by two geezers from the Highblood Myrmidons in October 2018 that really got me interested and thoroughly invested in the roleplaying community of Argent Dawn. Sathie has grown as a character and Iā€™ve changed a lot, but the fact that these two people were interested in roleplaying with me and werenā€™t trying to initiate ERP (I was in Wayfarerā€™s Rest and had zero idea lol) was truly a stroke of providence.

10/10 experience, with all the good and bad.

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two geezers

I donā€™t know why but it made chuckle through your story.
Good times, yes?
Iā€™m glad to hear you met someone who really showed interested in your character.
That does make a difference!

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Thereā€™s a guy in SW, I forgot his name. But he is around. A human/worgen.

He has the title that he killed like 25000 rats or something. He didnā€™t make that one up. Iā€™ve watched this guy run around and kill rats IC. He went up to the critter npcs, killed them, counted +1 IC and went on.

For days, for weeks, for months. Each time I logged in, I saw this guy in SW running about killing rats.

Bruh, the dedication this guy has is on the level of a god. I highly appreciate and admire such levels of dedication. That guy must be a zen master IRL or something.

Absolutely incredible, considering I canā€™t even stay on a character for longer than 2 weeks actively.


Hey thatā€™d be me! Rat Catcher Rulfe, currently on twenty four thousand two hundred and three rats so far! Never thought Iā€™d see myself mentioned on the forums. So thatā€™s a pleasent surprise.

Though as for who I appreciate itā€™s a hard one to pick just one. I mean when I started when I still used the bucket hat I think it was Zhak at the golden keg who was one of the first to notice what I did.

Since then Iā€™ve met all sorts of great people like the peeps from Echo Company like Peter, Nylla, Terrence, Ethan. Winterdawn who I met by chance at the keg. Those were some of the first that instantly stick out in my memory but Iā€™ve met so many great people since. Wyra who told me about all sorts of addons and gave me some truly memorable moments, Bucket or maybe it was Rosen who told me about the musician addon? Though If I named them all Iā€™d be here all day. So Iā€™ll stop for now.

An of course all those people who simply asked me what I was doing or who talked to me in whispers about my profile, thanks! Itā€™s one of the things that kept me going.

Ps: Also the great people from the bloodied goats and Red jackals, and lions roar, Also Divina and Doch

Pss: Iā€™ll stop for now I promise.


Big thumbs up to the people that see my character and panic at the idea of having skipped out on several expansions worth of tram tickets. Those little interactions in and out character make playing it more encouraging to play! No need to feel shy about asking people questions, itā€™s nice.


It looks like I need to visit Stormwind more often! :blush:

The topic is a bit of an older one (27 days oof) but I do have another appreciation I wanna tell. I highly doubt said person will ever read it but here it goes regardless:

a gnome with the name ā€œRochbertā€. Complete beginner / sort of non-RP char.

Now you might ask ā€œBut why do you appreciate someone who doesnā€™t roleplay on an RP realm?ā€. Thatā€™s where his TRP comes into play.

-This- is how the non-roleplayer crowd should be like. Heā€™s doing nothingā€¦ just walking around in Stormwind and pretending to be just another face in the crowd. Even going so far to tell people that if he interrupts them in any way to just tell him and he will leave. Iā€™ve never seen this guy talk or be disruptive in any form. He got more respect to the realm than some actual roleplayers do. Heā€™s doing the exact same thing I see just regular roleplayers do. RP-walk, sit somewhere or just stare into nothingness.

In case you read this Rochbert: you already got 50% of what actual roleplayers do. Go ahead and do some silly stuff on your gnome hunter! It will only make your experience better.



Worry not about the topic being old, my friend. Your contribution to the thread is appreciated and most welcome.
So thank you for bringing this to us!

I do like this a lot, and whoever wrote that strikes me as someone I would love to have around.
This is a mindset I wholeheartedly embrace.

  • Remember to be kind to one another.
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