Hi! I am Vinmai, or more specifically “Boi-SteamwheedleCartel”. I’m a prot warrior who wants to get into endgame PvE.
I would like to find a community for hc (and possibly m) raiding and m+. I’ve got a social guild which I would like to stay in, hence why I’d prefer a community.
As for tanking experiences, I’m afraid there is not much to talk about, since I’ve picked up tanking just recently.
However, as a player, I’m very experienced (10+years of WoW), progressing (almost) every tier since HM back in WoD)
One of my main advantages is that I’m a fast learner who is constantly searching for self-improvement possibilities. (This can be illustrated by my logs from my alts, where I picked up a class/spec I have never or almost never played before and quickly became able to consistently achieve 85-99 percentile on warcraftlogs without sacrificing mechanics).
I’m also not a stranger to raid prep. It never happens for me to arrive late, unprepared or not at all - raid time is raid time and that’s final.
Do you want me?