Aqir Hatchling questline


Im like very new to pet battles and to be honest i have never really cared about them. but now i find myself in a position where i must do pet battles to obtain that Aqir mount from Uldum.

I managed to battle my hatchling to lvl 6 foolishly and now i cant really beat Baruk Stone Defender. He just beats the crap out of my team before i can take in my fetal position and just cry.

So im here for help and guidance. I have lvl 6 nerubian swarmer, lvl 6 Miimii and lvl 6 shadowbarb hatchling. as im reading the guides everyhere it says i need a lvl 25 valkyr and a lvl 25 kneebiter. Should i just start that grind to level my pets and obtain the valkyr and kneebiter or should i just start the questline again on a different character so maybe i can beat the legendary pet battles with my lvl 1 shadowbarb hatchling?

Jäätis -

From a Wowhead comment, I just read that you can actually get a second Shadowbarb Hatchling on an alt. I didn’t know that.

If I was you, though, here’s what I’d do:

According to your armoury, you have at least one level 3 Garrison.

At the pet trainer there, there is a quest Unearthed Magic. Just pick up a rock, and you get a purple Ultimate stone that boosts one pet to level 25 instantly. Pick a pet to boost that will be useful in the battles you need.

Thereafter, spend a few K at the AH to buy the level 25 pets you need for the unlocking battles.

You may want the Unborn Valk as well, which can’t be traded. No problem. It takes like 5 minutes to go to Grizzly Hills, check out the three spawn points therem, which you will see on Wowhead, and capture one with the 25s you bought. Ideally, level it to 25 and either capture a Blue before you start or make it Blue with a stone, but you may be able to get away with using a Green.

Well… this helped me like in a massive way. Thank you my dear Grainne. xoxo

Jäätis -

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