Arabs in wow (Wastewanders)

Yep, same here.

What does me playing a blonde high elf level 12 Alt have to do with anything :rofl:

If you must know, my main is a white fox (vulpera) and was previously a human hunter (roleplayed as a wastewander). But thanks for your observation, though it was unnecessary and has nothing to do with the topic. With all due respect.

I want to thank the mods for restoring the thread after it was wrongfully mass flagged.


Do you really think that the Prince of Saudi Arabia cares about the representation of arabs.

Entertainment bogeymen tend to mirror real life. In the last 20 of so years muslin extremists have been the focus. I would expect it to be right wing extremists and Russians who get the most attention from now on.

Anizah, I admire your composure and grace in this thread. You have done well.

I do think the word “representation” was a bad choice in the title. That word has been too much politicised and abused, and is now a red flag to a lot of people. I consider it a four-letter word myself.

Your actual request, though, is both reasonable and positive. I’m not going to get into this thread - I think it is past saving, there really is nothing more that can usefully be done here, and the best thing this thread can do now is end - but I would like to say that apart from your use of that word in the title, I admire how you have represented yourself. :smiley: :+1:


Yeah, these are problems i suppose :sweat_smile: :face_with_monocle: :thinking:

I like the idea, I worry that the implementation of such a diverse culture and history would be diluted down into something that would resemble a mix between Uldum and Aladdin; Palaces, Sand and Sables.

It would be dope though, always liked the idea of more of a Nomadic tribe.


Thank you so much!

Changed the title :+1:

This is unfortunately due to the people who take it too far to derail and flag the thread just because they don’t agree with it. There are more mature ways to disagree, but this is the forums so I’m not surprised.

I thank you! Honestly had the Wastewanders not been named after middle eastern people, and having a leader called “caliph” (caliph = Muslim leader) I wouldn’t have made the thread. But knowing the meaning behind the names, they could have been presented better just like any other human groups around Azeroth. I like what they did in BFA but still needs a bit more :smile:


As humans don´t exist in a cultural vacuum this is blatantly impossible to achieve.

Everything represents or references something, be it hunter gather societies or lgbtq+.
Fiction is a representation of human experiences and heavily relies on living in the real world and taking from it.
So no, “pure fantasy” is ironicly a pure fantasy.



i’m sorry but that’s not a ‘‘calling someone out’’ situtation, i told what he was. there isn’t any other possible reason for attacking someone who wants equal representation (or whatever the word we choose now) . i didn’t false label them that’s how they acted out and you’re free to report me . like i said, i don’t like bullying and i don’t like favoritism between races which is actually racism so i will call out people if they do stuff like that. OP had a simple request which can be agreed or not but mocking them with unnecessary stuff, oppressing them on a race topic , yes that’s racism. he not just acted out as a racist, a bully against someone innocent , he also called me multiple things and yet we both are here on the forums. racism isn’t about just using certain words. it’s a mindset that leads people doing stuff like this . he could’ve simply said that he doesn’t agree but no , he made fun of the OP over and over again with irrelevant stuff like achievements , said things like ‘‘society has juts reached rock bottom’’ just because they asked for SOME arab representation in the game .


OK so add EVERY type of culture, EVERY type of person, EVERY type of “problem”, EVERY type of anything to the game… ?

I feel like they already have plenty of cool east looking things in the game and they add them accordingly.
WoW in a whole feels very inclusive from the start, it’s a shame they’ve resorted to forced-in-the-face and retconning old lore of characters etc to “represent” nowadays.

I’m not AGAINST them adding more things, but it feels off to make it a “focus” point like you seem to want.


Fine indeed. I would argue you can already make arabic / persian mogs with Evokers (Wrathion inspired) though. I saw a stunning persian regal mog form a player on the solo wow facebook group. Better than wrathion even using the campain set.

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is that what you understood from the thread? giving me another reason to leave the forums. :roll_eyes: nobody reads and people make up stories from their heads

never once mentioned i wanted the wastewanders to be a focus. nor did i ask Blizzard to add middle eastern representation.


I also want to point out that im not the only middle eastern who feels this way about the wastewanders. a saudi guy and persian girl are also supporting the thread.

if i see bad representation i have every right to comment on it and share my ideas on how to improve it as someone roleplaying and paying for the game monthtly.


Or this is just how you made yourself sound and understood by me, and possibly others?
By asking for something so extremely specific - this is what you are doing.


Bro is suffocating because non white people exist


Tbh some Arabs can easily pass in Europe. We have multiple skin colors, the video I linked has a red head arab girl.

Edit: by the way I’m not liking my own comments. It’s a clone made by a troll


There are various touches of Middle Eastern Culture in the game. The game is a vast mix of cultures and inspirations through out the various zones and cities.

They could definitely expand on that some time in another expansion. I loved Uldum.


Indeed. The main issue with the Wastewanders is that they actually have Arabic/ middle eastern names, Blood elves don’t.

The names are even found in my family. Like my cousin is called Farah. And their leader is called a caliph (caliph = Muslim leader) it’s not a good image LMAO.

Definitely. Uldum was a beauty in my opinion. All of the older zones were great :heart:


Arabic is an ethno-linguistic TREE, not a something extremely specific. A branch, and that would be specific nation state would be something extremely specific. Tree as a whole represents a significant portion of the world’s population.

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