anyways, about the topic. i don’t care about any type of representation in fantasy games i don’t think it’s necessary but if they decide to use arabic culture as an influence i wouldn’t mind . other than that, i hope blizzard carefully evaluates your request.
I would agree had they not named the bandits in tanaris/ Uldum middle eastern names.
But since they did that…. I started to think what a horrible representation we got compared to other human kingdoms/ groups that are inspired by western culture.
This was slightly fixed in BFA, and I hope it goes on from there. And I’m not being greedy as I’m not demanding anything. This is simply a suggestion
yeah zandalari definitely had mesopotamian civilizations influence
it’s ok and normal to ask this don’t let them make you feel bad for suggesting things that you want to see in a game you pay to play
Someone should pin this in all forum threads.
It’s bad enough I’m feeling tired of wow and considered multiple times if I’m going to leave or stay. The only thing that made me stay is Roleplay. I make my own fun.
But wow community is just tiring. It’s not like other gaming communities. People know how to disagree in a civilized manner.
In any case, I might be banned for someone mass flagging me with their alts. So either way it won’t matter
They have desert ingame.
Honestly, I did not read the thread.
I just thought this was another SJW thing like The lost “boys” in the new peter pan or the Black little mermaid.
Like you wanted more inclusion and representation.
Well that is a problem.
I assumed people didn’t know English as they argued one thing and my thread is suggesting another not you specifically, but in general.
Ah no no no. I don’t care about that.
Just suggesting to expand on the inclusion they already give us. The Wastewanders in this case.
I love what they did in BFA, but they are heavily lacking still. For a group of people who stayed there since Warcraft 3, shouldn’t they have some form of children by now? I’m sure there are in lore, but it’s not showing in-game. It would make them more human after they were portrayed as hostile bandits
Well, change the title.
Because that is probably how 80-90% of people read it
Tbh I think the title is fine and matches what I’m trying to argue. Because the Wastewanders is to some extent Arab representation.
Besides the OP comment is for explaining the thread, not the title. If people read only the title then yeah I can see how it’s confusing
But why open a thread and read only the title? I never do this
Uldum is closest with the Wastewanders and Pyramids and the Tol’vir. Hm well there is 3 faces in the customizations to look close as Arabic for the Male Humans, not sure for females. I used that for making haradrim character and used Camels as mounts, although I wish the Camels looked better, they look abit goofy. And there as some leather armor this is close to what arabic/persians wore. But for the warrior the closest thing was a plate armor from Mist of Pandaria and now that we can transmog white items there was more weapons to choose from. I think there are some cloth hats that was from old vanilla wow. It was cool the Wastewanders got their own voice overs in BFA. However the Wastewanders are only a small bandit faction, were did they come from? They must have an origin somewhere as it was not Eastern Kingdom they came from. Did they had a Kingdom in Uldum or are they just trespasser in Uldum?
Perhaps if there be something to the west of Kalimdor, as we see the world map has changed and left a space west of Kalimdor. Perhaps there is an Island or large land there with desert and tropical areas. I mean in old Vanilla wow there was clothes that was abit Arabic and weapons that looked like Katanas. They had to have come from somewhere. Think there was also a world boss in Silithus there was a Anubis giant. In cataclysm there is mage clothes that look Arabic/Persian which I used for my haradrim mage.
Well a dev said at a blizzcon few years ago that the Drust and Tideskorn Vrykul were not the only Vrykul that left Northrend in search of their gods. And if they also carried the curse of flesh with them. There could be other Humans races out there in Azeroth we have not seen yet and they could have diffrent culture than what the Eastern Kingdom humans have as all Humans comes from the Vrykul in Warcraft.
Blizzard could do that there was a group of humans to the west of Kalimdor that met some Ethereals in an ancient temple in the desert, where the ethereals had a gate there leading to their home world ( Stargate Hey Blizzard have for years use reference from all kinds of fantasy and sci fi movies/books/games…whatever like Indiana jones, Lord of the rings, star wars etc etc so why not??. There even from twitch reward now I think were you get a hearthstone that create a ethereal gate…stargate lol) These were not the void user ethereals but the normal arcane ethereals, and the humans was taught by these ethereals in the use of arcane magic and build an empire in the Desert on that Island/land.
i did actually create a wastewander character. here is her alongside a Wastewander npc
Salam aleikum brotha!!!
Aztecs and Maya left the chat
why lol it obviously had aztec and maya influences too .
Damn this thread really derailed, for people wondering I didn’t flag anything just because I disagreed with the necessity op’s request.
I’ve never flagged anything on this forum in my life.
Where. Since when? If anything he’s insulating himself; calling out the opposition as a racist or [insertword]phobe is claiming a supposed moral high ground. Being accused of being a racist certainly gets people in trouble often enough. Accusing someone of being a racist rarely does. True, there are situations and places where it could be seen as defamation or slanderous, but as far as I know there’s not too many places people get in trouble for calling someone a racist on a forum.
In fact, even though it’s technically namecalling and against the rules, him continuously calling you a racist isn’t likely to be flagged by many, if anyone at all, and probably won’t be moderated either.
There even this Pharaoh looking cloth armor but undead. I quess its more inspired of Warhammer game egyptian undead. But the thing is there is some referance of egyptian/persian culture in wow.
Hmm you know maybe there was a egyptian kind of kingdom but they like had to flee west from the bugs that took over Ahn’Qiraj. Maybe they were not humans but they looked like how the egyptian gods looked liked. Like Anubis, Ra etc. I mean would that work?? There is already a Anubis creature in the game. And we have the Ramhaken Tol’vir which also have egyptian culture but they are in the same boat as the Centaurs and Dryads, they can’t sit on a mount because they literally are a mount.
Im just throwing out ideas.
Maybe these Titan Anubisath created by Titankeeper Ra (Maybe there were more he created)
Created a Human like creatures that resemble like them as workforce and soldiers that look like the them but is more fleshy. Like the Tol’vir but also two legged version. But the Two legged ones fled west from Kalimdor with ships to a new land/island after the fall of Ahn’Qiraj. Maybe Silithus looked like Uldum a long time ago but the bugs changed the landscape.
frankly, i dont care if the wastewanders get a city or not, as that would require lots of resources and a kalimdor revamp, which people seem to be against.
I just hope they get some extra story in the future (hopefully a positive one) and even if its mentiond in a short comic book thats fine.
as for in-game changes i think all they need is at least 1 or 2 children NPC’s. to make the place a bit more… alive and human. They are well past setteled in uldum from cataclysm to dragonflight.
to give an example, look at this family below from Stormwind. that is what i would like to see with the wastewanders. not just adult warriors and rangers walking around camps.
Pretty sure Ossirian is based on Horus and the anubisath you pointed out are obviously Anubis.
Dragons in general does not have irl related names.
His visage form is a Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and if people are blind and cannot see it I feel sorry for them.
Alexstraza also is a typical Mediterranean woman.
You want Middle Eastern/Mediterranean representation, yet your character is pale white while there are option to have olive/tanned skin options.