Arabs in wow (Wastewanders)

Dont you fall in love with me now, you know, oposites atract and stuff :rofl:

If next expansion is not in cyberpunk universe i’m gonna actually mald for real.

I only like high rated pvpers.

Cyberpunk wow would unironically be pretty based ngl


It’s a fantasy man… Like I’m sorry to say this but you need to get a grasp of reality. If people treat Arabic people wrong based on Wastewanders in wow then it’s not because of wow, it’s because they are jerks.

Changing Wastewanders won’t change people treating Arabic people wrong irl

With apartment player housing too. and rework of ground mounts to make them cars.

Yeah like i said, and i hate pvp andy’s so we might have somethig here, il come with the pork u come with that nice persian pita with greens on it and olive oil :wink:

I want cyborg option for races but not like those diapergnomes but actual cyberpunk style would be rly sick

Ghormeh sabzi?

I hope they go crazy next expansion these azeroth expansions are getting boring and stale for sure, even if they wanna stay medieval make it samurai expansion.

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In that case, what’s wrong with the original topic with asking for better represention of the Wastewanders (in the future). Not necessarily now in Dragonflight. Would that be a problem? And if yes, why?

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U want Tel’Abim not wastewanders imo

If you stop for a second and think about the points I made earlier you’d realize that me saying it’s a fantasy doesn’t contradict or change anything about that.

Nah bruh, the pita, i love that i would order like 5 and 1 meat course LOL

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What on earth is that?

When I googled it, it showed me a island in stranglethorn

Yeah just like that imagine cyberpunk cows and orcs and elves kekw epic

Pls post this

It’s an island east of South Kalimdor

post edited.

Then in that case I hope they change their names and give them western names like the rest of stormwind and Gilneas.

Why give the villains Arab names and on top of that call their leader a “caliph”

It’s as obvious as The Jailer’s chest. They are quite frankly, heavily based on the Arabs. Not even slightly. You can see it from a mile away especially from the names.

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Mate, they did that to my culture on Venthyr and no1 complained LOL