Ey mon, why ya gotta be shamin’? Dere be worse things.
Imagine thinking anyone would care about some rando telling them what to do with their money or their taste…LOL this is fun tho
You are still replying.
If that’s what you got from the thread then you need to read it again.
If you haven’t noticed, we were already represented. But horribly. I’m asking to fix it so people don’t get a wrong idea about Arabs since we already have enough of that already.
When 90% of the representation you get from video games and media is negative, people start to treat you horrible. In air ports, in trains, in bus, or anywhere in public.
If you can’t understand that, then maybe you’ve never faced it.
Yeah cuz im chilling here, eating my food, waiting for rares to spawn, while your malding about how i spend my money and my fashion taste, ur entertaining me LOL
Wearing garbage is not fashion.
Keep malding bruh LOL
Yeah i’m super malding.
Do you like pasta with pesto?
Want me to buy you some? or is that bad taste from me ?
Italian food is horrible, even your food taste is bad.
Ok, i might have gone too far tbh, not everyone can apreciate fine things in life
He lives in his own bubble, dont mind him bruh LOL
You win i guess, they probably smell bad.
Try persian food you will never put your mouth near garbage again.
So only ur food is good, rest is garbage ? LOL And i tried persian and loved it…
No joke the only food i hate is italian food.
And especially pasta or macaroni
We have nothing in common like you are the complete opposite of me aswell, pve player too.
My favorite meat is pork, do you like that? Especialy grilled
Yes pork is fine.
Tel’Abim inc
This thread gets weirder and weirder. As long as you guys are fighting over food and not blaming each other then that’s fine with me.
But please do try to stay on topic.