Arathi Basin Reputation Rewards

Arathi Basin Reputation Rewards are bad compared to new added items for phase3 like PvP set, 58 lvl boots have same stats as 50 lvl boots and 3 times worse set bonuses, 60 lvl epic shoulders worse than 50 lvl shoulders, melees and hunters have no weapons on lvl 60 etc etc.

In phase4 instead of adding new stuff for rank9, just modify some WSG/AB stuff, right now 60lvl AB gear is barely standing near 48 lvl gear.

It will be rewarding for people who have reputation.

Devs should focus on the most important things first
1/Nerfing shamans, twice
2/ Nerfing Orc resist stun and undead anti-fear


this will never happen boy, dont know why ppl think this will be changed

Haha nerf shamans ! What a cry baby , and bdw NERF paladins to have bubble on 10min cd soo they Can be lese bubble annoying ty :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Those 2 things allow you to have a scapegoat though. Everytime you lose you can blame those imbalances. You will become a lost soul as you are incapable of self reflection and realising those 2 objects are not why you are failing.

It is laughable to think you are losing because of these things and not current meta tactics of the alliance.

I have absolutely no idea what you just wrote. Maybe lay off the caffeine?

Cause this is maybe 50% of the problem ?
With sham

The caster stuff isnt bad as a level 60 start item. Devs have been horribly lazy at 50 though, hence why most are on break til next phase.

It is just a way for this deluded fool to get some likes, fishing for attention from other equally deluded forum members. In his head he is probably doing so much good, he is on a crusade to make things right!

He posts the same thing ad nauseam like a bot at this point.

Playing a lot against shaman in STv and why they sometimes have insane burst it’s not different to rogues, ferals, rets, melee hunters etc. there is no big difference or the feeling of OP.

One thing for sure should be nerfed though. Survival Freezing trap roots. I don’t know … but give it 3 root charges or reduce the time or remove root. I don’t want to spam fap :wink:

Need more lumber

More work??

Agreed to be honest. They need to at least slightly buff the exalted awards. As they are currently they just can’t really compete. Maybe the cloak could be pre-bis for melees?

It’s best in slot pre -Aq40

so nerf SoD boostet shaman, not vanilla orcs

Even reputation reward topic turned into “nerf shaman” topic.
But I agree, lol.

Both Arati rewards, and Warsong are NOT tuned for lvl 60 SOD at all .

Take away the need to do the quests for 4 and 5 bases for the tabard. We get the WSG one and its crap the Defilers one is BiS :slight_smile:

They’ll change them no doubt, it’s not like they released the changes early for other items.

It’s so easy for horde now and WSG still BiS because it’s harder to achieve (maybe phase1-2, not 3, but)